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You are here: Home --> The Armoury --> Sal's Outfitters -->> Alchemical Supplies


Sal's Outfitters

Welcome to Sal's Outfitters' Alchemical Supply. Come in, don't mind the smell. Seeing as you're investigating the shop you're probably used to it by now anyway. Browse around... see anything you like? If you desire to see what the item is, just click on the "?".
Item Cost
Alchemist's Globe, Glass, Small 25gp
Alchemist's Globe, Crystal, Small 50gp
Alchemist's Globe, Glass, Medium 35gp
Alchemist's Globe, Crystal, Medium 70gp
Alchemist's Globe, Glass, Large 50gp
Alchemist's Globe, Crystal, Large 100gp
Alembic 4gp
Analytical Balance 100gp
Apothecary Jar 3gp
Apron, Cloth 5gp
Apron, Leather 10gp
Armillary Sphere 360gp
Astrolabe 80gp
Athanor 80gp
Weights 1-10gp/per weight
Beaker, Small, Glass 5sp
Beaker, Small, Crystal 2gp
Beaker, Medium, Glass 1gp
Beaker, Medium, Crystal 4gp
Beaker, Large, Glass 3gp
Beaker, Large, Crystal 8gp
Bellows 1gp
Brazier 5gp
Burette 1gp
Cauldron 6gp
Centrifuge 25gp
Ceramic Jar, 6oz. 8cp
Ceramic Jar, 12oz. 1sp
Ceramic Jar, 1qt. 2sp
Ceramic Jar, .5 gallon 5sp
Ceramic Jar, 1 gallon 8sp
Ceramic Jar, 2 gallon 1gp
Ceramic Jar, 5 gallon 2gp
Ceramic Jar, 10 gallon 5gp
Chirurgical Kit, Basic 75gp
Chirurgical Kit, Advanced 450gp
Clay, per lbs. 1sp
Crucible 7sp
Cruet 7sp
Descensory Furnace 100gp
Dissection Instruments 10gp
Easel 20gp
File 10gp
Filter Paper, 10 sheets 1gp
Funnel 4sp
Furnace 35sp
Glass, Chunks, per lbs. 1gp
Glass, Tubing, per foot 5gp
Glassworking Tools 50gp
Gloves, Clay-Steeped Canvas 2gp
Gloves, Steel-Reinforced Leather 5gp
Graduate 5gp
Kiln 120gp
Lens, Concave 5gp
Lens, Convex 5gp
Magnet or Lodestone 3gp
Mortar & Pestle 2gp
Prism 10gp
Quern 20gp
Rack, Metal 10gp
Rack, Wooden 3gp
Heating Stand 3gp
Reagent Bottle 3gp
Retort 2gp
Slate, 1'x1' 10gp
Slate, 4'x6' 30gp
Sparker 30gp
Sponge, Small 3sp
Sponge, Medium 6sp
Sponge, Large 1gp
Test Kit 10gp
Tongs, Small 1gp
Tongs, Large 3gp
Glass Pipe 3sp
Tweezers 5sp
Vial, Clay 1sp
Vial, Glass 3sp
Vial, Metal 1gp
Waterclock 1,000gp
Water Reservoir, 20 gallon 20gp
Water Reservoir, 25 gallon 27gp
Water Reservoir, 50 gallon 37gp

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