Kelvar'heru (Animal Lord)
Kit for Rangers (2e)
Description: The Animal Lord is a special type of ranger, created through Kith-Jora's intercession. Wherever the lives of sylvari and a particular animal are intertwined, an Animal Lord may be found, ensuring that the two species may live in harmony. This can be with species that are the usual companions to sylvari (hawk, horse, dog) or food (deer, elk ) and even predators (wolf , serpent, bear) in remote areas where the struggle to survive cause the species to come into conflict.
The Animal Lord is typically sylvari, though it is possible for other races to develop the deep bond with nature necessary to feel the calling of the animals (therefore, at DM's discretion). The ability is inborn, and comes to light at the time of puberty, which is when an animal asserts itself within its own species' society.
The Animal Lord must be of a good alignment when the abilities first manifest, but a later turning towards neutrality or even evil is not impossible (though in the case of evil, would be truly horrible).
Unlike rangers, an animal lord does not lose their ability if they are seduced by evil, but other animal lords, druids and clerics of Kith-Jora view them as sworn enemies. The Animal Lord gains inherent abilities with communicating with a particular species, and is identified with that species, often acquiring some of that species' characteristics. A horse lord (roch'heru) may love open spaces, and continual movement, and even become vegetarian, whereas a wolf lord thrills to the chase, will strive (unconsciously) to be the leader in any group, and hungers for meat.
Role: To serve as the protector, arbitrator or go-between for the animal in question and the world around them. In the Sylvari world, they are seen as Holy Warriors of Kith-Jora whose word is a law unto itself.
Weapon Proficiencies: No limitations
Non Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Hunting and Survival Free: Animal Lore of the animal protected.
Equipment: No armour heavier than leather is ever worn by a Kelvar'heru. This warrior class completely distances itself from metal armor as it can cut off the special connection they have with the animal.
Special Benefits: The Kelvar'heru have the following abilities of a ranger: Tracking, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Priest Spells (see below). They also gain the following special abilities: Animal Friendship: 10% at first level for chosen animal, goes up 10% per level, at eleventh level, gain 10% chance to affect related species, which then increases by 10% increments per level. Speak With Animals: 20% at first level for chosen animal, goes up 10% per level, at tenth level, gain 10% chance to affect related species, which then increases by 10% increments per level. Call Woodland Animal: 5% at first level for chosen animal, goes up 5% per level, at twentieth level, gain 5% chance to affect related species, which then increases by 10% increments per level.
Special Hindrances: Animal Lords do not choose a racial enemy. Animal lords do not gain spells until tenth level, otherwise, same as ranger's chart, limited to priest spheres; Plants, Animal, Sun, and Healing.
Wealth Options: The Kelvar'heru do not care for the gathering of wealth and will use their money for personal items they can carry, otherwise give it to the temple of Kith-Jora or a worthwhile charity.
Races: Sylvari mostly, although other races possible, at the DM's discretion. Half-syl Kelvar-Heru are rare, and there have been a few human as well.
Sylvari Names: Roch'heru - Horse Lord Draug'heru - Wolf Lord Far-Dulin'heru - Hawk Lord Loki'Heru - Snake Lord Cath'heru - Cat Lord Huna'Heru - Dog Lord Maama'Heru - Sheep Lord
  Thanks to Vanadia for this contribution!