The Ethrynian Calendar
Ethrynian Reckoning - E.R.
Note: Time before the Ethrynian Calendar was accepted across Antaron by the human culture is listed as b.E.R., or before Ethrynian Reckoning).
Example of year representation: 2 b.E.R. 1 b.E.R. 0 E.R. 1 E.R. 2 E.R.
Notice the lower case “b” as opposed to the upper case “E” and “R”. It is in order to punctuate the importance of the “civilized” Ethrynian Reckoning versus what the races of man had previously available.
Ethrynian Reckoning time is broken down as follows:
The years are not commonly named as in some other cultures (ie – Some calendars might suggest that a particular year was The Year of the Molten Dragon where as the Ethrynian calendar specifies the years by number solely). This is not to say that people sometimes don’t refer to a particular year by the greatest event that occurred that year: “Eh Verd… I know what’cher talkin’ ‘bout as that occurred in the Year o’ the Great Indigo Flood.”
Months are named below.
The weeks are not named specifically, instead the number is used: 1st Week, 2nd Week, etc.)
The days of the week are named as follows:
1. Mercaday - Merday - first day of week, remember duty and honour after Alvaday
2. Telamorday - Teladay - first day is done, time to be creativity and thoughtful in your life
3. Vilatheraday - Viladay - Traditional day for hunting food for the table
4. Thirkellday - Thirkday - If something goes wrong, it must be Thirday. Bad luck happens on Thirkday (superstition)
5. Falloesday - Fallday - Day to count your blessings and be glad of what you have.
6. Valdornday - Valday - The "half-work" day as everyone dreams of Alvaday. Often called the hard work day because you don't want to work on Alvaday
7. Alvareonday - Alvaday (or Alday but that is considered very "rude") The day of rest although few rest the whole day, a day of family. Time to consider what fate has done and think of the future.
There are a few portions of the day that are noted by all (Of course, those that can afford waterclocks, or use sundials generally refer to the time of day by the hour after the fashion of the weeks – First Hour, Second Hour, Third Hour, all the way up to Twenty and Sixth Hour):
- Sunrise is usually called Solanis’ Awakening in more social circles. To the common folk it is the Lighting.
- Noon is known as Mid Solanis generally all around.
- Sunset is usually called Solanis’ Rest in the wealthier circles and to the common folk it is known as The Darkening.
- Midnight is usually called Valdorn’s Reign, or the Reign for short.
1 Year = 14 Months / 56 Weeks / 392 Days / 10,192 Hours.
1 Month = 4 weeks / 28 Days / 728 Hours.
1 Week = 7 days / 182 Hours.
1 Day = 26 hours
Spring: 1st Month: Iothora (Budding) Holidays:
The Thawing – 5th Day.
The Time of Healing – 15th Day through the 18th Day (Also a series of Holy Days for Lysora).
Carnival – 25th Day through the 28th Day (Also a series of Holy Days for Shinara).
2nd Month: Letra Tey (Lifting Snow) Holidays:
The Festival of Life – 5th Day
Spring Solstice – 14th Day (Also a Holy Day for Kith-Jora).
The Fey Festival – 25th Day (Also a Holy Day for Telamor).
3rd Month: Weitoor (Greenlife) Holidays:
The Day of Articles – 1st Day (Also a Holy Day for Merca).
Summer: 4th Month: Iteran (Dawning) Holidays:
Braiden High – 19th Day (Also a Holy Day for Falloes)
The Day of the Balance – 21st Day (Also a Holy Day for Rydor).
5th Month: Sempore (Brightsun) Holidays:
Summer Solstice – 15th Day (Also a Holy Day for Kith-Jora).
The Sky Days – 21st Day through the 28th Day (Also a set of Holy Days for Solanis).
6th Month: Olemra (Brightstar) Holidays:
The Ringing of the Hammer – 18th Day (Also a Holy Day for Kharox).
7th Month: Pfier (Flames) Holidays:
The Parade of Steel – 13th Day (Also a Holy Day for Therassor).
Fall: 8th Month: Ternoth Ore (Waning Sun) Holidays:
Seasong – 4th Day (Also a Holy Day for Cardista).
The Burning – 28th Day (Also a Holy Day for D’hurgen).
9th Month: Bre Taola (The Falling) Holidays:
The Remembering – 4th Day
Autumn Solstice – 15th Day (Also a Holy Day for Kith-Jora).
10th Month: Bre Uthan (The Ending) Holidays:
The Besting Day – 6th Day (Also a Holy Day for Tyrannis).
The Time of the Horn – 14th Day through the 24th Day (Also a period of Holy Days for Vilathera).
The Long Night – 28th Day (Also a Holy Day for Valdorn).
Winter: 11th Month: Poleii (Whitefall) Holidays:
Winter’s Birth – 10th Day (Also a Holy Day for Khamaruz).
The Telling Time – 11th Day (Also a Holy Day for Alvareon).
12th Month: Trevack (Bluenight) Holidays:
The Candlelight Visage – 8th Day (Also a Holy Day for Jusarin).
Winter’s Solstice – 15th Day (Also a Holy Day for Kith-Jora).
13th Month: Dhenns (Grayday) Holidays:
The Parade of Stars – usually falls between the 12th Day and the 16th Day.
14th Month: Claise (Brighthope) Holidays:
Festival – 15th Day through the 25th Day.
The Thawing
After a long winter the Thawing Celebration represents hope for the New Year; a time to visit the wishing wells, oracles, and seers in order to plan the events of the upcoming time. In the beginning, when cities were scarce and villages, hamlets, and births were the common residences it was common for the communities to gather together on this day and aid one another in burning away the dead growths in their fields preparing for the planting of the new year’s crops. As civilizations grew and cities began to sprout up the villages kept up with the ritual, and the cities adopted one portion of it: the bonfires. Today, the celebrations consist of large bonfires set in designated squares and parks within the cities (and still used for burning out dead growth in fields within agricultural areas) followed by at least one large meal. If a bard or minstrel (or other entertainment) is available then there may even be dancing, singing, and story telling.
The Time of Healing
In an effort to produce a kinder spirit of humanity the Church of Lysora has dedicated the 15th Day through the 18th Day of Iothora to healing and kindness. They begin this practice with a large breakfast feast held in front of their temple, and continue the celebration by practicing their arts where they can.
Very often these three days are extremely draining on the Priesthood of Lysora as these are the days when miracles are most likely to happen, when the majority of them cast aside requests for payment in order to perform healing spells, and when the sick congregate on the temple stairs in the hopes that the clergy will have mercy on them.
The 25th Day through the 28th Day of Iothora is similar to the Festival celebration except that the church of Shinara gets directly involved. Large tents filled with games and contests of chance are erected throughout the major cities and traveling purveyors of such games visit villages and hamlets in a circus-like fashion. The Church of Shinara is often responsible for the tents and rake in a large profit from their games. There is usually plenty of drink to help stimulate spending, and very often the alcohol is free to those playing the games.
The Festival of Life
On the 5th Day of Letra Tey the continent of Anteron celebrates the cumulative birthdays of all those they know. Parties are abundant and well wishing frequent; in some parts of the continent the sharing of gifts is prevalent. Very often ceremonies are held baptizing newborn babies as members of particular churches on this night.
The Fey Festival
Possibly one of the most elaborate celebrations throughout the lands, the Fey Festival is a celebration of the Arts! Worshippers of Telamor sponsor shows to display paintings and sculptures, concerts and poetry readings as well as plays and tumbling acts, foods and clothing. The day and evening are spent wandering booths and partaking of the culture. Artistry is purchased and admired all across the land. Very often nobles and lords use this day to seek out and hire artisans for the various tasks they may have coming up, and the artists spend all year preparing for this single day, knowing that their portfolio could very well establish their income for the next year.
The Day of Articles
On the 1st Day of Weitoor the aristocracy gathers to make new laws and pacts, renew old ones, and basically put to the letter any and all things official. There is really little to no celebration for the commoner, but courts usually close and the nobility and lawmakers are practically invisible for the duration of the day. In order to facilitate and recognize the worship of Merca, priests are often on hand at these meetings and act as notaries on documents, putting their name and the seal of Merca towards anything that will be recognized as a pact or agreement.
Braiden High
Tales tell of a selfless man named Braiden who worshipped Falloes in almost a fanatical fever. He began as a wealthy noble in a land that varies depending upon the teller – a man who had everything. Then, all in one year, and for reasons unknown to any of his friends and family, Braiden sold his manor and all of his worldly possessions except for the clothes on his back. He took the money and went about the country delivering large sums to the needy, paying off the debts of those who couldn’t, establishing way houses for the needy in major cities, and generally taking care of people. It is said that Falloes so appreciated the man’s effort that he sent a Heavenly Chariot to Anteron to collect his layman. There aren’t many who qualify as Saints in the Theology of Audalis, but Braiden is one.
Braiden High is a day of solemn recognition of the services Saint Braiden provided. The Church of Falloes uses this day to collect donations from wealthy patrons in order to keep the Saint Braiden Way Houses in operation. While it is a day of quiet worship, it is one of the most fundamental for those who are not so lucky in life.
The Day of the Balance
Among any major city, good or evil by nature, Rydor’s presence is a necessity. Rydor’s teachings insist that Justice be served those who break the laws, and for the majority of the year his Priests and Paladins are staunch in their convictions. Yet, on the Day of the Balance Rydorians turn the other cheek. Balance requires mercy, and on no other day of the year can the mercy of Rydor be experienced in greater magnitude. It is on this day that pardons are set, prisoners are released, and sentences are lessened. While some may think the actions arbitrary and those more strict of nature might look upon the Day of Balance as a wishy-washy holiday set in place to allow every dog their day, the Rydorians are not prone to haphazard forgiveness. Those who commit greater crimes are not going to see Rydor’s Mercy as readily.
On the other side of the coin, some countries have taken the idea of Balance to the extreme and have converted the Day of Balance into a day mixed with pardons and executions. Sendria is one such country that believes for every major pardon granted a good execution balances the scales.
The Sky Days
Held during some of the warmest days of the year the Sky days are seven holy days in favor of Solanis. While his clergy observe these days in a combination of prayer and preaching the common folks can’t afford the luxury of a week of celebration. To compensate for this the Seven Days of the Sky (more commonly called the Sky Days) has transformed into a series of smaller celebrations.
On Mercaday, the twenty-first day of Sempore the celebrations begin with a gathering of the congregations within the temples and shrines of Solanis. The highest-ranking members of the priesthood hold services where they recite the Solanarian version of the beginning of life. This usually lasts anywhere from one to four hours depending on the size of the congregation and the ego of the High Priest. These ceremonies end with the lighting of the Sun Torch, a large flame that burns for the duration of the holiday.
On Telamorday, the twenty-second day of Sempore, neighbors will often visit each other with small gifts of foodstuffs, leaving them on the doorstep and hiding before the neighbor can see who gifted them.
On Vilatheraday, the twenty-third day of Sempore, the people spend the evening decorating the streets, gardens, homes, and countryside with white and yellow flowers, streamers, ribbons and bows, followed by a large feast called the Feast of the Sun.
On Thirkellday, the twenty-fourth day of Sempore, the Race of the Sun takes place at Mid Solanis. The Race of the Sun is a foot race that usually encompasses thirteen miles of racing terrain. This is to symbolize Solanis’ journey across the sky, and the winner is gifted with The Golden Sun, a medallion in the shape of a sunburst that represents the honor of the win, and contains within it a small luckstone. There is only one such article per temple or shrine and it is the clergy’s responsibility to make sure that nothing happens to it, and that the newest winner of the race is given the honor of bearing it for the coming year.
On Falloesday, the twenty-fourth day of Sempore, it is traditional for young suitors to make their declarations of love known. This has evolved into a lavish display of Amore that usually results in people wandering the streets gawking at the fancy and creative ways suitors make their declarations. In some areas it has even gone so far as to evolve into a contest. It is also common for renewal of wedding vows to take place within those countries and kingdoms where marriage is common.
On Valdornday, the twenty-fifth day of Sempore, once again, at Mid Solanis, larger temples host another race. Called The Sky Race this particular activity usually takes place on a track and includes chariots, horses, or wagons depending on what’s available. The transportation is flamboyantly decorated in whites and yellows. There are usually vendors all about the track in order to provide food and drink making this particular race enjoyable for the whole family. The race lasts close to an hour and the victor is usually provided with a new addition to their livestock or a monetary prize.
On Alvereonday, the twenty-sixth day of Sempore, the celebration comes to an end with the entire day spent in fun and relaxation. The day is filled with carnival-like activities, athletic contests, and plenty of food (or as much as can be provided). The celebration is ended with The Dance of the Setting Sun – a traditional dance taught by the clergy of Solanis that involves the use of plenty of streamers, bright white and yellow clothing and intricate, yet beautiful dance moves. More often than not special female dancers from the clergy perform the dance and then the floor is opened to the populace. The available highest-ranking clergyman offers the closing ceremony –called the Setting of the Sun - and the celebration is over.
The Ringing of the Hammer
This holiday is perhaps one of the most revered holidays of the Dwarves. No matter the dedicated worship every Dwarf holds a special place in his or her heart for Kharox, the father of their race. It is a testament of His glory that the Race of Man has taken notice of Kharox’s skill and adopted him as their patron of crafts. While Dwarves will spend the morning in solitude, praying for their God’s blessings in their craftsmanship, other craftsmen will often close shop in recognition of the knowledge Kharox has passed on to them. For the Dwarves, the afternoon is a time of heavy drinking, loud and boisterous contest (usually with smith hammers), and extreme bragging about their skills.
The Parade of Steel
This particular day is a day of recognition for the military of the land and skill at arms. Throughout the lands those who serve in the military march in their finest uniforms, polished armor, and gleaming weaponry with pennants and banners whipping in the wind. This parade usually lasts all morning and many gather to watch. When the parade is finished the contests begin with jousting, duels, archery, and other military endeavors. Very often this is the time of year the military recruits as they have shown their might and splendor, seen the skill of contest participants, and the glory of a life as a soldier is prominent in young minds.
Throughout the year Cardista is paid homage to by sailors and ship captains in regular frequency as they begin their journeys or safely come to port. On the fourth day or Ternoth Ore full worship comes to the bow of the ship. The celebrations begin at The Lighting with a boat race where the victor gets particular docking rights for a year or a monetary gift. The race is followed by a grand feast held on the docks for the commoners and in the manor houses throughout the lands. The evening is a series of dances and merriment followed by the Gift to Cardista ceremony where the laymen of Cardista preside over a service ended by dumping wine into the waters (oceans, lakes and rivers).
The Burning
This is actually a preventative celebration, and one done with extreme caution. While the clergy of D’hurgen take this opportunity to praise their dastardly Lord the common folk take the opportunity to make offerings towards his mercy in the form of small donations, the slaughtering of the fatted calf, and a quiet, somber meal.
This holiday received its name after the Confederacy of Drannon experienced a mighty plague resulting in many burning pyres filled with the dead.
The Remembering
Every civilization has its ghosts, and the Third Age of Man is not without its own. The Remembering is a day of solemn prayer, the visiting of grave sites, or massive battles, and of mourning the loss of those who have moved on. Some cultures don’t view this time as a time of mourning, but rather a time of celebrating the deeds of those who have joined their gods. In either case the day is often finished with a large meal – the temperament of the meal is determined by whether the culture mourns or celebrates.
The Besting Day
For the worshippers of Tyrannis this is a day of beginnings, of putting into action their schemes and plots. They believe that by instigating their little treacheries and plotting on this day they retain the favor of their god and their plans will be more likely to succeed.
For the general populace the day is one of mockery and practical jokes. Neighbors try to pull the wool over their friend’s eyes, bartering is escalated while each of the participants tries with more fervor to get the better of the other, and practical jokes are played across the land. In some instances laws have been put into place in order to regulate the severity of such jokes and practices, but since the general populace participates in The Besting Day out of fun most people are able to deal with the affronts, take it in stride, and laugh it off – planning how to return the “favor” the following year.
The Time of the Horn
Also called the Great Hunt, this set period within the month of Bre Uthan is dedicated to hunting. Grounds that are otherwise off-limits to the general public are opened (such as the King’s Forest) for hunting. Though it is regulated by rangers and druids alike the Time of the Horn is a period of taking. Worshippers of Vilathera use this time as an opportunity to worship through the hunt, making offerings of their kills. The final day of the Time of the Horn contains a huge feast.
The Long Night
This holy night takes place on the longest night of the year. There are two prominent reasons for celebration on this night, and though it is a holy day for worshippers of Valdorn it is often observed by non-worshippers as well – in order to keep the nightmares away. Common belief is that the realm of Shadows has a particular advantage on this night, and it is only through the Dream Vigil that these Shadows are kept at bay, and the public often sets out wards and charms to help with the Vigil.
The Dream Vigil is something that the clergy takes very seriously. The more powerful members of the Valdorian church will use their divine powers to watch for incursions into the land by residents of the Plane of Shadow and then, through special blessings granted specifically by Valdorn on this night, do battle with these intruders.
Winter’s Birth
Celebrated within the human kingdoms of Anteron as the first day of Winter, the 10th Day of Poleii is often rung in with a massive gathering of people at the largest available place. In the morning, those venerating Khamaruz hold quiet services within their churches, and the rest of the world gathers for a communal meal (usually provided by the gentry as a sign of good faith that the winter won’t be too harsh). This tradition was raised by a long forgotten source, but has held true even in the lands of Sendria (though their celebration is usually laced with intrigue and manipulation).
The afternoon is spent in dance and jubilation out of doors (unless the weather is too bad, then it is moved into various larger structures, or parties are thrown at manor houses and businesses). With their services finished the worshippers of Khamaruz usually join in the festivities.
The Evening is spent in more dance and drink, and the festivities are ended by a fireworks display (where available), or rice is thrown about in mimicry of snowfall (even when snow has already set in).
The Telling Time
Winter’s Birth festivities are usually followed by a solemn day of prophecy and fore-tellings from the priests of Alvareon. Throughout the 11th Day of Poleii high priests of Alvareon open their services to the common folk, and their goddess grants these appointed few double their capacity for divination prayers. The Telling Time is subsequently often followed by an evening of large meals and toasting to a bright future (those who have received less heartening news often don’t join in the fun).
The Candlelight Visage
There is rarely an opportunity for knowledge and the written word to be celebrated among the public of medieval times. So, those venerating Jusarin brought about the Candlelight Visage. During this all night celebration they perform displays of magic and recite from old tomes stories to enthrall the populace. Other members of the learned sect gather in conclaves and hold debates that last all night. This is the sages and scholars highlight of the year as they share and pass information back and forth concerning their findings in the previous year. Often, the scholarly sorts will travel weeks at a time in order to join up with old colleagues, or meet new ones on this night.
Seasonal Solstices
More often than not the general populace ignores, or is not aware of these holidays. The lay worshippers of Kith-Jora however, often spend the whole of the day in quiet reflection and most of the night in prayer. It is a preparation period for the coming seasons, and a reflection on the previous months.
Smaller villages and hamlets throughout Anteron that have an affinity with druids often seek their advice for the future months, hoping for an early thaw, an easier winter, or signs of a good harvest.
The Parade of Stars
In the month of Dhenns, usually between the 12th Day and the 16th Day the night sky is filled with a brilliant display of shooting stars that last for hours upon hours without relenting. Many religions have their own version of why this is, but the populace on a whole generally throws a huge outdoor feast with large bonfires in the center to warm the participants, but allowing for space away from the fires for the night sky to be more visible.
Marriages are often performed on this night, back dropped by the dazzling display of fiery streaks and Oaths are usually made at the beginning and end of the display. Unfortunately the exact time of the meteor shower is sporadic, yet it always seems to fall within the specified dates.
Before the Calendar of Ethrynian Reckoning was conceived the Empire of Drannon ruled much of Anteron. While there were all sorts of festivals and celebrations throughout the year there was one period of time that seemed long, drawn and dull towards the end of winter. In order to stave off boredom within the Empire’s subjects Festival was created. Falling between the 15th Day and the 25th Days of Claise Festival is a time period of parades, fun-filled contests, and general samplings of foods and shows. While the Empire of Drannon has been reduced to a kingdom the other countries still hold Festival to break up the doldrums.
  Thanks to Bromern Sal for this contribution!