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The Bridge

A slow song sung by men before a battle or after to honour the dead.

Lord Rydor guide my sword arm,
Solanis help me stand tall,
With Shinara's help,
I'll be standing here,
When the last one falls.

Now I'm standing on a stone bridge,
Too narrow for them to pass,
I will hold my place,
Let none get by,
Until I breathe my last.

So many demons to face tonight,
But I can not fall.
I pray that Lysora takes my soul,
That I give to save them all,
So many enemies to face tonight,
But every minute I live,
Is more time bought for my friends,
And as much of that I give.

Captain would have stayed here,
To face what I now see,
But a lady is waiting,
With child, at his home,
And I could not let that be,

I have no family waiting,
No woman to hold me tight,
Just my strong right arm,
And my long sword,
To help me do what's right.


And I don't feel much like a hero,
In truth, I don't feel much at all,
As my arm goes numb,
My shield is torn,
But still I can not fall.

They say Shinara loves the foolish,
The brave claim that Rydor keeps an eye,
But I'm just a man,
Alone in the dark,
No one to say goodbye.


Lord Rydor guide my sword arm,
Solanis help me stand tall,
With Shinara's help,
I'll be standing here,
When the last one falls. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Alacrity for this contribution!


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