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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Legends

Light of the First Ones

This tale is the first tale speaking of the creation of Audalis. It is known fully by Jusarin and some of his selected followers. After this one will come tales, legends, and prophecies dealing with the creation of other gods, the pantheon, and wars, including tales written as songs one might hear from bards.

When time was but newborn and the stars first winked to life, so too did the eyes of the First Ones open. In the velvet night, six powers flowered to being, brighter than the stars and far more vast than the distances between them. They looked to each other, unknowing of where or whence they came. Among them, came thoughts, the jumbled attempts at words, and finally speech. Each spoke a single word: Rydor, Lysora, Jusarin, Shinara, Garghas and Tyrannis. As the words formed, each took an aspect that tasted, smelled, sounded, and looked like the word.

Rydor spoke strongly, purpose and the need for justice in his thoughts and voice. Two stars came to form his eyes, bright and filled with honor. A face and body took form around the orbs with strength and power. Steel gray hair flowed to his shoulders, strong as the steel he would later where. Ribbons of light formed around him becoming robes of royal purple and blue.

Lysora spoke softly of grace and healing. Two stars sang through the darkness to rest within ghostly white and blue ephemeral clouds. A delicate face of divine grace and beauty formed around the stars of softest lapis lazuli. Her hair became a shining river of purest white among the darkness. The clouds became white and blue robes twining about a graceful form that loved those around her.

Jusarin spoke in hushed tones that seemed to hold the secrets of all and none. The light between Lysora and the darkness became grey, and from it he moved. The light of Lysora awakened his eyes, deep and brown, but the dark he held within them. Moving from her, his hair and beard of swan white flowed about him as if caught by currents. The grey became his robes, long and weighted with a task he yet knew he had.

Shinara spoke hotly of passions and chance. Two fiery suns shone then became her glittering eyes of green. Mirth and joy bubbled around the eyes pulled from the fires of molten cores and heart's desire. She danced about from the now frozen lands from which she took their warmth and passed Jusarin, ensnaring him.

As the lights grew brighter, the dark turned away and from it the last two voices were heard, never to be forgotten.

Garghas spoke in morose tones of the pains of life, the ache of death. The dying lands Shinara created broke away and formed his eyes, cracked and painfilled. His form gathered from the jealousy he felt for the light they had. Their joy created shackles about him as he pulled the browns of the cosmos about his broken form, the loose dust of dead worlds.

Tyrannis spoke in slithery softness of dread and terror. The deepest darkness of black holes formed to become her eyes, tempting in their endless void. She called forth to each of the others, gathering what they did not want and making it her own, including Garghas. About her spun the tendrils of obsidian coldness with the faintest light of purple, of frozen blood.

As each took shape in the expanse, all knew these words, knew who they were, knew what it all meant. But unknown to them was why? A great vortex of wind whipped around them, pulling all light and darkness that remained into one point.

And from this came a voice they had all known, yet forgotten: Alvareon, the great seer and keeper of them all. The Alseyr. The Beginning, but not the end. Weakened, she spoke to each, the words awakening their destinies. And as the light died, so to did Alvareon. And in her place remained a land surrounded by softly winking stars, endless light and dark.

Jusarin moved forward, eyes tearfilled, and he spoke the first and last word. Audalis. It called to them with many needs and voices. Answering the summons, the great powers flew to the lands and took to wearing guises that would not crush the fragile newborn seed of life and death. Audalis with blue oceans and green lands. Audalis with creatures above and below.

The possibilities filled them, giving them wings of power. Here they would be gods! Powers that could shake and crumble the earth and darken the heavens. And as they took their first step upon the ground, a great waning pain filled their breasts. Millions of voices soon awakened, crying out in anguish, in need. The gods soon weakened becoming godlings.

Tyrannis and Garghas cried out in anger. Jusarin and Lysora looked about with worry. Rydor grimly bowed his head. Shinara laughed. In their time of need, they had none to turn to. And the memory of the Alseyr was fading fast. Looking from one to the other, they sought the only refuge they could, with each other. Rydor reached out a hand to the fair Lysora, brushing away her tears. Between them they held a strong and enduring love. He walked with her across the meadows and rose into the heavens, disappearing in bright light.

Tyrannis turned to Garghas, seeing beauty and use in his twisted form and angry heart. Taking his hand into hers, she led him back into the deepest of shadows under a cliff. Her deep eyes never breaking contact with her broken prisoner.

Jusarin barely stood, the weight and ache of ages and knowledge bending his back. It seemed he would fall and break. As he stooped lower still, his thoughts and heart reaching out to the distant one he alone remembered, Alvareon, another hand took his. Young and radiant, Shinara took pity upon the lorekeeper, and gave him the strength to rise. Her heat warmed his heart, and they walked into the forests of tall trees.

Each to each, the powers joined their hearts, minds, and forms seeking comfort and release from such a grand start and humble ending. From each came others. And from the vigilance of man and beast, come others still. But that is a tale for another day...

Thanks to Yanamari for this legend! Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Yanamari for this contribution!


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