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NPC of Note: Lycon Aspenbough

Lycon Aspenbough
Male Elven Ranger (level 11)
Neutral Good
Age: 212

Str: 18(63)
Dex: 19
Con: 15
Int: 11
Wis: 14
Cha: 12
HP: 71/71
    A true hero in his own right, Lycon has risen from the lowest levels of elven society to become a personal confidante of the speaker - not from political savvy, but from true loyalty and courage. All elven wardens and rangers eventually answer to him, but he still insists on leading his men from the field.
    Lycon tends to be receptive towards aiding
worthy causes, regardless of what the crown's official position may be. He posseses a deep love of nature and pride in the elven people.
    At one dire time of need, Lycon was chosen to wield the Bow of Eldros, a legendary elven weapon (that is it's own story). Currently, he favors his own bow, a +2 longbow, and wields a pair of longswords.
    While very skilled in battle, he is cautious, preferring to fight from range or carefully selected positions of advantage. Lycon will attempt to reason with opponents before engaging in violence - more from his distaste of killing than any other reason.
    These days, Lycon can usually be found in his beloved Hith Taure, the Misty Forest of western Londelirinen. He is most often encountered in the presence of several other elven rangers and/or a wild animal or two.

Leather armor +2
Bracers of archery
Longsword +3 (Mithril)
Longsword +2
Dagger +2
Mithril Dagger
Ring of Cold Resistance
Long bow +2 of distance
Quiver w/25 sheaf arrows
10 arrows +1
4 arrows of flame
2 potions of healing
1 potion of extra healing
2 vials of antidote
1 potion of endurance

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Thanks to Olan Suddeth for this contribution!


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