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NPC of Note: Belgerath Ninefingers

Belgerath Ninefingers
Male Elven Cleric of Shinara (level 6)
Chaotic Neutral

Age: 191
Str: 13
Dex: 17
Con: 13
Int: 9
Wis: 17
Cha: 14
HP: 34/34
    Belgerath embodies utter belief in the teachings of his goddess; he puts little stock in planning, relying instead on luck. To be fair, he is courageous in the extreme, but even those who are closest to him tend to refer to him as anything from 'a little off' to 'fairly insane'.
    Earned the moniker 'Ninefingers' due to an incident in which he presented his left middle
finger to a powerful creature in a gesture of defiance...
    Relies on a mixture of might and divine aid in combat; his chosen weapons are the staff sling and the flail.
    Belgerath will likely assist any who ask him, as long as their request is interesting. Depending on the situation, his aid can be a blessing or a curse. This footloose cleric may be encountered in almost any civilized area of Antaron, as he tends to wander wherever the winds take him.

Chain Mail
Red robes
Holy symbol of Shinara
Flail +2 vs. undead
Staff sling
Pouch w/30 sling bullets
2 potions of healing
1 antidote

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Thanks to Olan Suddeth for this contribution!


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