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Above is the new map of Sendria, one of the major human kingdoms of Antaron.

Demons and drums need not always come from the deeper dark. Sometimes, they travel in carriages or in the halls of nobility. Such is the dark land of Sendria. - Jusarin, Books of Ages

To the west of Ertain and the north of Drannon lies the dark and most unwholesome land of Sendria. It is a place filled with people who follow dark gods and evil intent. It is ruled from an island called Amer'Loc, locked in the Shade river.

This is a cursed land, ravenged by the intent and desires of its twisted people. To the far east lies the ruins of a once powerful and bright keep called Melenkur. Once they were knights of light and goodness. Now they are tattered and twisted remnants of what they once were.

Far to the west lies the ghostly ruins of the city of Undarth. Only the foolish or dark of heart should ever travel there to unearth the secrets as to the city's destruction.

And right in the middle of the darkland, on an isle in the Shade River, lies the tower of Amer'Loc. This place has only ever had one ruler. And she still prowls the halls. She aids the cities with her wealth and secrets, but she prefers to be alone with her undead host, stolen seers, and ancient magics.

The capital is Davnor, a place offering the best in what you desire. It is home to thieves, merchants, assassins, death cults, necromancers, and powerful warriors. Anything and everything ever desired is here within this city. Some call it Tyrannis' heart.

To the west of Amer'Loc lies Sauron Castle, home of the Obsidian Dragons. The dragons protedct the interior of the country. And they hate the Blood Guard.

To the east, lies Starfall Keep. Built of dark, thick stone, it watches over the borders of the nation. By the grace of Bakloran, the Blood Guard station their might in this keep. Through their efforts, they have obtained many new lands from Drannon and Ertain for the glory of Sendria.

Thanks to Yanamari and Olan for this contribution!


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