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Trade City of Calestra

Trade City of Calestra

Calestra, City of Commerce, the crossroads of trade in Antaron, former capital city of Coria. It is commonly known that one can find literally anything for sale in Calestra - provided that one knows where to look.

  • 1. Quin'Aire (The Alabaster Castle), seat of the Corian governmental presence in Calestra, and former capital of the nation itself. The castle, a relic from the Sylvari who once called this region their home, is constructed of beautiful seamless white stone. A pair of great parade grounds lie to the east, serving as large gathering places in times of celebration and strife. Duke Caerl Prineveer, one of the most powerful - and ambitious - nobles of the realm rules both the castle and the city.
  • 4. Originally known as the Gray Fort, Dey'parnar Keep was the original military outpost at what would eventually become Calestra. The keep was built to take advantage of the hill on which the Quin'Aire also sits, since the humans of that time believed the deserted Sylvari fortification to be cursed. Renamed in 34 b.E.R. as a symbol of Corian independence.
  • 5. Constructed in 225 b.E.R. to house the royal guard, Alairies Keep now functions as an additional military complex. First known as Gratili Keep, it too was given its present moniker in 34 b.E.R.
  • 6. The Mirror Towers, constructed of the same seamless white stone, and by the same inhuman hands as the castle itself, stand guard here over the main entrance into the castle's walled courtyard. As their name implies, they are exact mirror images of one another, down to the tiniest of details.
  • 112. Lord Tanarick Amikhel is the ranking soldier of the Officer's Guild, and the commander of all of northern Coria's military. Nephew of the late King Rethine Alaris, Lord Tanarick has nevertheless earned his position through extraordinary single-mindedness and hard work. Those who serve both for and against him consider him to be a superb officer and tactician.
  • 113. The Corian military here in the city call the Citadel their home. The garrison is strong and well-trained, and has access to some of the finest facilities and resources in all of Coria.
  • 9. The Captain's Gate opens to the east, and to Sylvaria.
  • 27. The Gate of Marches, and the traditional path south into the heart of Coria.
  • 63. The Far Gate, and the western trade road with Coria's strongest ally, the nation of Ertain.
  • 94. The Wintergate, leading north into the wild, unsettled lands above Coria.
  • 7. The Market, focal point of the city's open-air trade. Eager merchants have been known to spill blood for the opportunity to set their stands in choice locations here.
  • 18. The Black Tower of Calestra sits abandoned near the southeast wall of the city, its name coming from the black lichen that has come to cover the alabaster walls. Fallen into ruin through neglect, the tower is one of the most forbidden places in Calestra. While no one can enter this cursed construction, many still stop and stare in wonder.
  • 24. In a thriving trade city of this size, not all transactions deal in material goods. Castle Graymonte, home of the Silver Wyvern mercenary company, commanded by Lord Captain Aliex Unthar, is one of the focal points of the Calestran mercenary trade. Due to the Silver Wyverns' success, they tend to lack any shortages of potential contracts or potential new members.
  • 30. In the event of an emergency, the signal will be conveyed throughout Calestra from the House of Bells. This vast belltower uses a system of distinctive rings to indicate fire, invading armies, and similar disasters, and the signals are quickly relayed via smaller towers throughout the city. The bells are also used to indicate each hour of the day, as well as the Lighting, Mid Solanis, the Darkening, and the Reign.
  • 33. It is said that if you seek information on anyone of any importance throughout Antaron, you seek Ceredon Elonistair. This reclusive Sylvari has been known to frequent the Wailing Peacock Inn, and will sell reliable intelligence - for a healthy price.
  • 41. Aspiring mercenaries should consider a visit to Sellswords & Shieldwalls, the local Mercenary Guildhall. Open guild contracts are posted here, as are notices from hiring companies. Typical guild services and benefits are also offered at this location.
  • 87. Another major player in the Calestran mercenary trade is the Redwall Guild, commanded by Aeric Jalstone. Much like their commander, this company has more of a reckless reputation than do the Silver Wyverns; opinions are often divided on whether this is positive or negative.
  • 20. The House of Care, temple of Lysora, and home to Father Randis Pulantar, Communion of Reverent Spirits. Thin, balding, and middle-aged, Father Randis is well-known throughout Calestra as an angel of mercy. Those in need of aid are never turned away from his door.
  • 40. The Long Gamble, temple of Shinara. Shinara has always been a favorite of travelers and adventurers, and her church is well-represented in Calestra. The charismatic Priestess Aelina Tredan tends the flock here, and is rather popular among the common people.
  • 45. Standing on the top of a small hill is one of the most beautiful structures in Calestra - the House of the Rising Sun, the local temple to Solanis. Lectern Mordecai Palas, still spry despite his advancing years, dispenses blessings and goodwill here.
  • 65. Even though Coria styles itself as a peaceful land, the House of War - temple of Therassor - still enjoys a strong following. Brother Cairl Evram, Warder of the Gate, a man well-respected as both a warrior and spiritual advisor, is head of the temple.
  • 71. The House of Dreams is a small temple to Valdorn, located near the city's western wall. Tiam Planess tends the basic needs of the church.
  • 79. Located on the main artery leading in from the Far Gate is Calestra's temple to Oriana, and the home of High Priestess Lyndia Tennet.
  • 83. The House of Hope, operated by the church of Falloes, functions mainly as a mission for the homeless and hungry of Calestra. Father Laire Beekham works tirelessly here to bring hope and comfort to those without any.
  • 85. Prelate Ainjella Omisra, Order of the Faithkeepers, is a powerful political presence in Calestra. This iron-willed priestess keeps vigilant watch in the Halls of Duty, the city's spartan temple to Merca.
  • 88. The temple of Alvareon, known as the Foretelling House, is sought by many travelers who seek an audience with Seeress Calinda Istildan. Though she is often reluctant to deal with those outside of her fate (and frequently refuses outright to do readings), Calinda is known to have a spotless reputation as a soothsayer, which cements her popularity.
  • 97. The Museum of Telamor serves the seemingly odd dual purposes of house of worship and art gallery for all who seek to create for the sheer joy of creating. Kileen Centras functions as both museum curator and priestess.
  • 106. One of the ways that the city manages to keep crime and corruption to acceptable levels is through an alliance with the House of Scales. This imposing temple to Rydor plays a more secular role than is usually the case, due in large part to the influence of High Justicar Brione Datenda. This feared warrior-priest metes out justice with true fervor while carrying the support of the city's government. While the shady elements of society can never be removed from a settlement of this size, they can be and are kept in check.

Thanks to Bromern Sal for this contribution!


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