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Empire of Drannon

Empire of Drannon

Above is the new map of Drannon, the smallest of the major human kingdoms of Antaron. Drannon is a war torn nation, losing most of its previous holdings to Sendria and Ertain. Long ago, in the mists of time, Drannon arose as the largest and strongest of the human nations. The magnificance of its traditions and people have fallen far from those of their ancestors. The reasons of their power and heritage resides as an ancient secret told in myth and legend. To the east, lies the Cray estates, includes Cray Castle and horse ranches. The family is known for breeding and training the finest horses, from scouts and rangers to light and heavy war. If not for these ranches, the kingdom of Drannon would have long lost its wars.ranches are known for some of the best horseflesh in Antaron. As you travel west, you will find something...astonishing to say the least. Near the Cray estates, along the eastern border with Ertain is the great Oryn keep. High on a stony tor, it watches over the east of the diminshing nation. Atop the keep are sets of tall, spindle towers. From here, keen eyes watch and warn with fires to the interior forces of Drannon. Although, only the people of Drannon's noble warrior families truly knows the secret of the towers. For upon them is the inset pattern to other castles. Standing upon them, people can send missives throughout Drannon warning of war. Travelling into the interior of the realm, lies the strangest sight to see. In the middle of the plains are four column-like mountains, carved by some great hand or magic. These are the Standing Stones. No one is quite sure what they are; their tales have been lost but to a select few. Around these stones, circling outward...or a great broken highway made of white marble. The locals call this the Winding Way. It too is a mystery. But to those who have remained over the ages in this place, the answer has whispered into their blood. For this was once the council grounds for the great courts of wyrms. The name is not pronouncable by human tongues, but it was once the watchful way and resting place of the ancient dragons to meet on neutral ground. Two villages, Vala'Lia and Sien'Lia, reside near these pillars, along the Winding Way. The people here are of the ancient bloodlines, entrusted with the mythical truths of the stones and way. Their knowledge is treasured and guarded as rumbling of the wyrms, once thought asleep, now rumble to wakefulness. Onward through the countryside are the ruins of Thrinacia. Once a grand keep with spindle towers, much like Oryn, it now rests as a great dusty ruin upon a jutting of limestone and granite. Tales from the old tell of a warrior maiden who once led a valient charge into Sendria, against those who would destroy her people. Riding hard with the remains of her company, she rushed back to her lord's home. And, dying with each step, she reached the topmost towers to send the warning call. Not one of magic, she could not activate the spell, but her pleas and sacrifice attracted the attention of the gods. Now her spirit remains, watchful and wary, keeping the evil of Sendria and the orcs at bay. Passing through Drannon, to the west, resides the capital city of Drefast. This city is must like the others in Drannon. Craftsmen of all types work their trade. Metalworkers, artisans of sculpture and architecture, and various traders from the plains to the west live and work here. Drefast is a sprawling city, built upon two hills. The city is cut in twain by the Thunder Rapids river. But this did not stop the engineers of Drannon. Rising to the task, architects and stone workers built the central part of the city on great arches across the raging river below. Sunlight shimmers into rainbows in this city. It is a beautiful place to see. The history of the nations of men is said to be carved in the walls, buildings, and arches of this city. Past the woodlands and hills of Drefast, to the west, rises Dawn Castle. Architects who believed in natural works left Drefast ages ago to seek a new building with new ideas. They were led by a strange man, short of stature, not seen in the nations of man before. He came to them with knowledge of engineering, architecture, and growing things that baffled and intrigued the people. His following became as a religion of mathematics and art. And from their hands rose from the ground a castle of limestone and quartz. The sight of it in the morning brought tears to their eyes, earning it the name Dawn. And like all of the other castles and keeps remaining, it has the fabled towers. Near Dawn castle is the final sight of sights in Drannon: the Shade River. Wending its way from the north, this river of waters the color of eternal midnight blue, carry a cold unlike any other. Some believe it is the tears of Lysora fallen from the sky so long ago. Others rumor the dwarves have delved too deeply, opening a fissure in which this stream has sprung. The truths of this water are unknown. But those who stray too near and sleep a full night have told of sorrowful visions.

Thanks to Yanamari and Olan for this contribution!


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