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Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari Kingdom

Mealamin, The Southern Sylvari Kingdom

Above is the map of Maelamin, the southern elven kingdom of Antaron. The three elven nations, while technically sovereign, are truly provinces of the greater Sylvarian empire. Amban Aluir is one of the natural wonders of the world, perhaps the most stunningly beautiful waterfalls in existance. Elves have been known to simply sit and stare at it for days. Megilindar Nost is home to an anceint and exclusive order - the Bladesingers of Sylvaria. These elves carefully guard the ancient ways of the elves, and are true masters of many forms of lore. However, they are probably best known for their distinctive fighting style and skill... an elven Bladesinger is a swordsman without peer.

Thanks to Yanamari and Olan for this contribution!


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