The Division of Darkness and Light
From my mind to the papyrus, I commit these words. It is by the grace of the Alseyr that I recall all things. Perhaps in the end times, the words of memory will become koans of enlightenment.
This is the tale of Solanis and D'hurgen, sons of Rydor and Lysora. - Jusarin, Savant of the Gray
Rydor, the Just One, and Lysora, the Sacred Mother, left the plains of man for the skies above. Rising above clouds, they became brilliant light, seeking solace in one another after the silent loss of so much to the needy of this new world, Audalis. There amongst the skies, they created fields of soft white and breezes of lightness to bring them peace apart from all others.
Words harkened between Lysora and Rydor, conveying the fears and hopes they had for this new world and the strange pains they felt within from the call without. Voice soft and pale as her delicate breath, the Sacred Mother whispered to Rydor.
"Such heartache fills me as I remain here. As if a tendril of my soul is being pulled by so many hands." Her eyes a mirror of the sky, so blue and deep pooled with tears unshed.
"Perhaps I should go to them. They so call for any word or touch of comfort and understanding. I know I can bring this to them, but oh the pain overwhelms and I have so little left..." She sank through the clouds, darkening with her heartache. Strong hands reached forward, gathering the Sacred Mother into a warm embrace.
Voice as moving as thunder filled her with a shuddering awakening. "Fear not, they shall be comforted. I hear the trumpet calls as well, the thunderous clash to arms and reason of law." Eyes glittering with a strength that stole Lysora's breath gazed into her own. The heat of his presence warmed her, bringing a softening to the ache within her soul. The rumbling of his strong heart echoed in her ears as she leaned against him.
Champion and Lady both knew of the love swelling within their hearts. Lysora's silken touch calmed the raging beat of his heart while Rydor's heat empassioned her failing strength. Eyes filled with tears of happiness, a wetness she had never known, Lysora reached forward and tasted Rydor's feverish lips. His strong hands encircled her shivering form, sending crashing waves of his racing heart through the heavens.
To those of the lands, the sky darkened and rumbled as it never had. They knew so little, and fear filled them. But the young understood as flashes of lightening filled the air with electric need. They rushed forward and were soon drenched in the cool tears of the Sacred Mother, her gift of life-giving rain heralded by Rydor's thundering heart.
The rains fell for days on end, always light and giving. Until one day, they ended. Lysora and Rydor, each strong and faithful in the love they now shared parted. And in their parting came a strange occurance as light and dark split from each other creating day and night. The brilliant light shined over the lands.
As it faded, a young man of golden hues appeared filled with the love and tenderness of all that is right and good. Apart from him rumbled and shook dark shades. As they quieted, another young man of midnight stepped forth filled with the quiet contemplation of the dark and lifeless. Rydor and Lysora appeared to the two and named them.
They became Solanis, the Blazing Star, and D'hurgen, the Walker of Shadows. And as they turned and left their separate ways, the world of Audalis was greeted with a new night and day.
  Thanks to Yanamari for this contribution!