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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Legends

Laughter Among Trees

From my mind to the papyrus, I commit these words. It is by the grace of the Alseyr that I recall all things. Perhaps in the end times, the words of memory will become koans of enlightenment.

A remembrance of many ages past, I look upon the past and seek to capture it. This is a tale of love and life shared between friends and lovers that brought about a most unexpected creation, Kith-Jora. - Jusarin, Savant of the Gray

As the First Ones parted their separate ways, Shinara tried to awaken the waning life of Jusarin. Falling to his knees in the fields of waving grasses, he felt as one ready to greet death's dominion. But Shinara could not allow this to happen. In the moments of their knowing, she saw something in the god's eyes that charmed her spirit.

Hands upon his shoulders, she brought him to his feet and pushed him forward. Together they strode through the alien land of lush grasses, sweet smelling blossoms, and cheerful winds. But solumn and heartstricken, Jusarin could not be moved. Although the memories of the others fell away into forgotten mystery, his awoke fresh and fertile. With each weakening step, his mind's eye became stronger, filled with untold visions and prophetic whispers. It was too much for his tired soul to bear.

But Shinara did not know this, did not understand the glazed stare or depressed visage of Jusarin. Looking about she took the elderly man on a journey through the world, seeking a sight that would ease his cares and sorrows.

Through fields, over hills, beyond sunny dales they travelled, yet his eyes did not shine, his lips did not smile. Finally, brought to her wits end, Shinara turned away and ran from the gentleman that would tear her heart. The breezes pulled at her fiery hair, leaving a heady scent for Jusarin to follow. And follow he did, entranced by the way light and life roiled within the curls of living fire.

Seeing his swiftness return, Shinara ran faster still, a gazelle in grace and speed. Seeker and the sought after, the two entered a sun-dappled forest of young trees. Laughter peeled through the knotted boughs as the gray cloud chased the brightness of red dawn. Their steps lightened, bringing a warmth of love and joy to the woodland.

Soon they tread under ancient limbs, heavy with silver green leaves and delicate blossoms. It was then that chance brought a root to Shinara's foot, felling the lovely lass. It was then fate ensnared them both as Jusarin reached down to aid the lovely maiden of rose reds and shimmering golds. The electricity built. And, finally, their hands met.

he air hummed in awe and purpose as their golden touch met and set breezes to singing. Their touched ignited the forest with a shimmering of golden power. The moment of their fingers met, time fell into frozen eons. The energy between the two lept like an arc of lightening. It split the air, rose into the limbs of the trees. The leaves caught the power, changing silver to gold. It danced along the brooks, misting the air with its movement. Finally it lit into a tree, ancient and gleaming from the exchange of chance and knowledge.

Struck, the tree shivered and shook, exchanging branches for limbs, hallows for eyes. Once opened, they reflected the greens and golds of the world newfound and shining around him. Jusarin aided his lady love to her feet. She moved past in a whirl of fragrant cheer and love.

Time flowed once again, as swift as the flight of a bird. And the chase began once more. But if they had lingered longer, stayed in the shade of the trees, they would have envisioned the turning of silvered leaves to gold and the a young man of strong form, delicate features, and darkly wise eyes moving amongst them.

Gazing out over the woodland, he viewed the world chance and love had awakened for him. A touch of hands and souls between the Savant of the Gray and Fortune's Smile brought forth a new wisdom and curiousity into the world. He remained in the woods, the enchanted forest of golden leaved trees and laughing brooks.

And if one but listened closely, as the couple had not, they would hear his name upon the wind. Kith-Jora, Adaron, Lord of Trees, Keeper of Seasons. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Yanamari for this contribution!


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