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Il'ele'draugio - (the Unseen Wolves)

In Bayris, many merchants make a living trading, selling, and buying goods and services. There are many assasins, cutthroats, and other such people who also make a living by being hired by the merchants to destroy opponents (mostly other merchants). The Il'ele'draugio and its members make their living by both, but do it quietly. They are, in all respects, a thieves guild, but, do their work in a little more decent manner.

Disguised as the merchant company, "The Golden Dove," the Il'ele'draugio make their dealings trading with the many ships and merchants that travel Bayris's many roads and docks. They get goods, mostly silk, ivory, and precious metals, in any way possible; by stealing, destroying the owners, or (if necessary) actually buying them. They then either trade for other goods, or sell the goods to traveling sailors and merchants. This way of trade has made the Il'ele'draugio very wealthy.

The Unseen Wolves are made up of all sorts of beings; Humans, Sylvari, and Khordaldrum, even a few Cidals are reportedly members. They are headed by an outcast Syl from Alloryen who goes by the name Celeb'elin (literally, "Silver Pool"), and uses a few lieutenants to manage various branches of the operation.

History: The port city of Bayris, being one of the largest in all of Antaron, draws people from all lands in seek of the profits of work, or, for some, the profits of illicit activities. Included in all of these people from lands near and far are the outcasts, the bandits, and the rest of the various groups of people evading the law. Celeb'elin was one of these outcasts. This Syl came originally from Alloryen, the northern elven kindgdom of the Sylvarian empire. In Lindelea Elin, a place of wonderous pools of shimmering water, water spirits, and beautiful elven music, Celeb'elin was captured by the beauty and the gracefulness of all that lay within. He spent most of the early years of his life there, watching and loving all of it. He eventually came to the point where his family would barely see him, for he would be off dancing with the spirits for hours at a time.

One day, a group of human sages, musicians, and mages arrived at Lendelea Elin, and wanted to study and enjoy the beauty of the place. The Sylvari did not like the idea of humans living in their forests, and wanted the pools of water for themselves, not the greedy humans. Reluctantly, the humans agreed, and left the Sylvari lands. The Sylvari lived peacefully for a few more months, thinking the humans gone and out of the picture. Celeb'elin was out wandering the lovely pools one day, when he noticed what he couldn't beleive. This group of humans had snuck back into the forest, and were building fires, living, and studying the pools. His pools. The young elf waited until after nightfall. While the humans slept, he quickly and quietly slit each of their throats, then removed every trace of their presence from the beautiful forest. Thinking himself a hero, Celeb'elin returned home, where he was met with horror disbelief at the brutality of his actions. The next day, he was put on trial. The Sylvari unanimously voted that he should be cast out, and forbidden to enter any Sylvari lands until his death. He was heartbroken, for he hoped to never be seperated from the beautiful pools. The next day, he packed his few possesions, and started out, heading for Bayris, and his future. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Rokonin for this contribution!


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