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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Religion

Kharox, God of Crafting

See there the curve of the kheluzpethum? The lines of family and honor set in the agral of our fathers? Until you do, you will never understand Kharox. -Dolgrin Silvereye, High-Mason, World Carvers

Sphere of influence:
Crafting, khords
Orange, gray
Crossed hammer and axe
Granted powers:
One free crafting proficiency, +2 when attempting any crafting activity, +1 HP per die
Allowed alignments:
Any neutral
Allowed weapons:
Any blunt
Allowed armor:
Other Names:
Master Mason, Gamultindar (Ageless Craftsman) by Khordaldrum, Kiris’kurwaer (The Cracked Craftsman) by Sylvari, Wrockna by Ungoulid

Kharox is the patron of the Khordaldrum. His clerics are tireless craftsmen with great skill and talent for carving, sculpture, architecture, and engineering.

Kharox teaches his followers to depend on their own minds and bodies to fulfill the forms they desire; as a result, his clerics are not as inclined towards magic. Humans and dwarves flock to Kharox. However, few elves see his works as beautiful and tend to follow Telamor.

Many of the great leaders of the dwarven and human nations have sought out the service of Kharox’s clerics. Their astute knowledge of architecture and engineering and a flair for the innovative have create some of the grandest castles, halls, and siege machines seen in Audalis.

Clerics of Kharox pray for their spells first thing in the morning, before the duties of the day begin.

The world was created by the hand of great powers. It is rough and new. It is by the wisdom and invention of Kharox that it is shaped into beautiful and useful forms. We are the hands and eyes that create the visions of the Master Mason.

Kharox appears as a formidable dwarf of strong arms and intelligent eyes. He has long brown hair and beard held in tight braids and bands of steel. His silvered eyes hold hints of differing colors in his fire-burnt face. Kharox wears the clothing and working leathers of an artisan, with strange tools in his pockets.

The clerics and followers of Kharox rarely use their magics to craft. They tend to use their skills supplemented by their god's blessings.

The teachings of Kharox include the following: 

Art of Olorfarluk, the World Carvers: Followers of this teaching seek to make their marks upon the world according to the vision of Kharox. This the largest of his teachings that keeps Kharox's tale called the Gamulqolfelir, the Grand Vision. The home of these followers is in the Warrens of Gunthras in Khordal with other shrines and followings in Settlestone and Jaycern.

Sentinels of Runes: The Sentinels are guardians of sacred places. These followers study ancient arts, architecture, and engineering to create some of the grand tombs, temples, forests, and rivers seen in the world of Audalis. Whether natural or formed by hand, the Sentinels use their knowledge, creativity, magics, and abilities to build and protect holy places. Some of the greatest of their wonders can be seen in Kheldor Keep of Pardinal, Azbad Lisel of Khordal, and the Leema Krags.

Servants of Fire and Stone: The Servants seek to undermine the power of the world with their machinations. Whether they are siege towers, intricate keeps with impenetrable walls, or deadly cliffs, these followers seek to control through the dark creations of war. Battle and defense are the stuff of legend, and their works lead the way in them. These followers are not as numerous and can be found almost anywhere, including the elven kingdoms. Legends say the greatest of the Servants built the Titan's Walk.

The crossed axe and hammer of Kharox lies midway between the eye of Garghas and the blazing sun of Solanis. It is most easily identified from the cross of five stars that represent the axe and hammer's shafts. The brightest of these is the central star, Galdaruz, which is accompanied, by the white star, Uzbarud, and the brilliant pale blue Klaggarin to form the axe's shaft. The remaining stars of the hammer's shaft, are less bright than those of the axe, but the pale yellow light of Thordalin is usually visible all year round, while the fainter Krathgora, along with the remaining stars in the constellation can be seen well only on a still cloudless night. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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