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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Religion

D'hurgen, God of Death

As light fades, darkness rests in the eyes. Soon the spirit must move on to the realms covered by the Walker's cloak of shadows. Come and be one with the gentle quiet. Come and leave the cares of life. -Amcardome, High-Priestess, Attendants of the Rapture

Sphere of influence:
Death, decay
Black, dark green
A grinning skull
Granted powers:
Summon undead as if one level higher; all such undead have +1 HP per die
Allowed alignments:
Any evil
Allowed weapons:
Any blunt
Allowed armor:
Other Names:
The Devourer, Walker of Shadows, Ristlar el Ba ar' Guina (Divider of the Dead and Undead) by Sylvari, Lieunhurcorvela (Ghost Singer) by Khordaldrum, He who Stills the Heart by Slaa'kar, Sorjourn by Brathunspar, Voth by Ungoulid

D'hurgen is the consort to Tyrannis, and lord of death, decay, and the macabre. Since every mortal eventually feels his sting, D'hurgen is both widely known, and widely feared. His worship is outlawed in most civilized lands, and is mostly restricted to Sendria; even there, the general populace understandably shun his temples. A few scattered cults devoted to death have been discovered from time to time in other locales.

Clerics of D'hurgen participate gleefully in human sacrifice, and often participate in bold raids to kidnap victims for their dark lord. Preferred victims include the young, the innocent, and the powerful. D'hurgen's followers are daily conditioned to accept death as inevitible, and consequently, have no fear of it.

All religious celebrations dedicated to the Devourer include human sacrifice, which is occasionally accompanied by small, symbolic acts of cannibalism. Many of D'hurgen's followers consider themselves to be "artisans" of death, and enjoy inflicting it in painful and gruesome manners.

The Walker of Shadows takes all from life to the lands of shade and rest, for his lands are of the dead. Death is the night as life is the day; one cannot exist without the other. Some seek a bloody end, others peaceful and quiet. But all come before the Devourer eventually.

D'hurgen appears as a young man of charcoal skin and pale white eyes. Long tendrils of black hair float around him as he waits patiently for the end. He wears a mix of armor and robes the colors of midnight trimmed in a deep green. Upon his breast lies the Vial of Night, holding the twisted and turned tears of Lysora. Only the Walker of Shadows knows what they will do, though many wonder and question.

The clerics and followers of D'hurgen employ necromatic magics mixed with guardian to bring the living and themselves closer to the dead and undead.

The paths of D'hurgen include the following: 

Attendants of the Rapture: The Attendents are the largest group of D'hurgen's paths. This path teaches the loving touch of death as the end of one life for another. These are the keepers of D'hurgen's realm, the land of shade and rest. Their words are comforting, inviting the end through an acceptance of D'hurgen's sweet and kind embrace, to take the Walker of Shadows as a lover and lord. The churches of the Attendents include many symbols of peace and tranquility, of acceptance and ascension. The Attendants believe to join with D'hurgen is to acheive ultimate peace and balance. The path also keeps and performs the funeral rites for the dead or dying. Some of the followers of other dieties have sought the Attendants to aid them in the passing of their own. This path may be found throughout the lands of man and elf, with a scant few in the lands of dwarf and gnome.

Dark Hand: Members of the Dark Hand take a dark road of death, delivering its chill touch to those they deem worthy. These are the judges, the dividers of the way. Their methods are questionable and bent, gaining the fear and loathing of most of the pantheon and people of Audalis. Their techniques include torture, deprevation, and bloodletting. And those receive their dark gift are those who meet the sometimes twisted, other times coldly calculating, sense of worth. The numbers of this path grow and dwindle without any clear reason. They are found typically around the human nations, the Caves of Madness in Khordal, and the Deour'gin'naith (Deeper Dark) of the Railir Peaks in Pardinal.

Dragons of Smoke: The path of Dragons bespeaks of anger and vengence. This is the dark and dangerous face of D'hurgen. The Dragons are assassins without compare, seeking to deliver the taste and pain of death with a swift stroke. They believe they fulfill D'hurgen's anger and pain against those who deserve death as their only punishment. The souls taken by these killers are tied to their killer by D'hurgen's will. The assassins then teach the soul through whisperings and deeds of why they have been killed and the blessing of their return as followers of the Devourer, for they have been chosen to be his brood. Few know of these followers, these hand-picked and trained assassins. Their numbers are few but powerful. Sylvari, Khordaldrums, cidals, and men who have fallen from the light and have stony-hearts are typically chosen by D'hurgen for this path. Never again will they serve another. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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