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Currency in Antaron

Currency in Antaorn

Following are the most common forms of currency among the various kingdoms in Audalis, as well as standard exchange rates within each country.

Please note that this list is far from exhaustive; only coins currently produced are included. Earler regimes often minted currency very different from what is in circulation today; it is quite possible to discover an ancient chest full of very different designs than are seen today.

Also note that current exchange rates between various countries are not reflected here; this is a subject for another page. Coria and Ertain have a close trading relationship, but Sendria prefers to melt their coin and remint it. Older Drannon currency is valuable, but the newer coins are less pure, and worth less. Of course, metal content of the coin, political relationships, and other features can drastically affect exchange rates; therefore, no attempt is made to depict that information here.


Royal - a relatively large gold coin, highly prized across Antaron. A single royal is worth twelve Ertainian falchions. The front depicts the crown of Ertain, while the back has a stylized lion, the symbol of the current ruling family.

Falchion - this silver coin is so called due to the image of the popular single-edged sword found on the reverse. It is the mainstay of commerce in Ertain, and is widely accepted in neighboring Coria, as well.

Shill - a common copper coin, found eight to a falchion. Stamped into each shill is the image of a round shield.


Doron - the most valuable of the Corian coins bears the national symbol of the life tree on the front.

Brissan - as with most cultures, this Corian silver coin is the backbone of its monetary system. Ten brissans equal a single gold doron. The decoration is that of a rising sun.

Eller - a small, very abundant copper coin whose name comes from the elven expression for "little one," and is often referred to as an "el." Twenty ellers represent a single silver brissan. A rosebud decorates the eller.


Bulrin - The gold standard of Sendrian currency bears a dragon on one side of the coin.

Cullar - A common Sendrian silver coin; the eye of Amer'Loc is on each side of the coin. Eight cullars equal a gold bulrin. This coin is often cut in half for use in smaller purchases.

Dretch - this copper piece holds the least value of Sendrian currency, and goes approximately twelve to a silver. A small, stylized candle is imprinted on the dretch.


Fusat - a shiny gold coin that sees circulation not only throughout Pardinal, but also with the independant city-states in the northwest, who trade heavily with the seafaring country. A proud galleon adorns this coin.

Leven - eight silver levens equal one fusat, which makes them a much more practical coin for everyday use. The popular leven bears the image of a wyvern.

Halten - two of the smaller silver halten are worth the same as a leven. This smaller silver coin is a relatively new introduction into the Pardinese economy. A halten is identified by the depiction of a bird perched on a tree branch.

Whorl - the lowly copper whorl is mainly useful only for small transactions, as it is simply not worth the weight to deal with. Six of these equal one laven; naturally, three equal a single halten. The whorl is imprinted with the image of a cutlass.


Guain - once a very valuable coin across Antaron, the gold guain is now often debased with lead, which has reduced its clout with merchants. The royal ram is imprinted on the guain; Drannon was the first human kingdom to do this with its currency.

Jetra - the silver jetra is widely circulated, and many older ones can be found in both Ertain and Sendria. Newer jetra, which go ten to a guain, are debased with other metals much like Drannon's gold is, and are thus less valuable. A strange rock formation known as the "Standing Stones" is depicted on this coin.

Grommel - copper grommels are cheap and plentiful, going fourteen to a jetra. An odd knotted pattern is the only decoration on a grommel.


Khordaldrum coins are not overly uncommon in some of the larger trading cities. They are included here for reference.

Grond - a large gold coin highly valued in human lands. The imprint of a hammer is visible on both sides.

Kuld - the silver coin bears the imprint of an axe on each side. Approximately eighteen of these equal one gold grond.

Kapak - this copper khord coin is fairly uncommon, at least on the surface, as khordss don't tend to make long trading trips for goods bought with copper. Nevertheless, it sees use at home, and some are found in human lands. Ten equal the silver kuld.


Sylvarian currency is rarely seen outside of the lands of the elder folk. Syls typically prefer to trade gems or merchandise for human or khord currency, and use it, if needed. However, syls do make the following coins:

Orna en'mithril - Tree of Mithril, or orna (tree). The orna is slightly oval-shaped, and bears the image of a beautiful tree. Naturally, this coin is highly prized, as it is minted from mithril.

Olwa en'malda - Branch of Gold, or olwa (branch). The olwa is similar in size and shape to the orna, and depicts the branches of an ash. Five of these gold coins equal a single precious orna.

Lasse en'celeb - Leaf of Silver, or lasse (leaf). Smaller than the gold olwa, but with the same oval shape as all elven currency. The silver lasse is engraved with a wonderfully detailed maple leaf; ten of these are equivalent to a single olwa.

Ered en'tambe - Seed of Copper, or ered (seed). The small copper ered bears the picture of an acorn on either side. A dozen ered equal a silver lasse. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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