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You are here: Home --> Audalis --> Religion

Telamor, God of Artistry

Sphere of influence:
Black, white, red, blue and yellow, from which he can create all else
A wooden palette with the abovementioned colors
Granted powers:
One free artistic-related proficiency, +2 to all checks involving artistic ability
Allowed alignments:
Allowed weapons:
Sling, dagger, staff, short sword, short bow
Allowed armor:
Leather, hide
Other Names:
The Artistic One, The Muse, The Divine Poet, Marcierlyn by Brathunspar
Clerics of Telamor have limited magical power.
D20 Information
God Alignment:
Chaotic Neutral
Art, music, dance, inspiration
Chaos, Craft, Knowledge Charm
Favored Weapon:
Inspiration's Brush (whip)

Telamor is the god of artistry, music, and poetry. His worshipers include sculptors, musicians, painters, poets, bards, and to some degree, even writers and jewellers. He has, as do many of his followers, a free spirit, favoring the exciting freedom of mind instead of boring rules. His believers rarely pray - Telamor grants them inspiration with which they create magnificent art, the only proof he needs of their devotion. The Divine Poet is the color on their brushes, the sound of their music, the rock of their sculptures. He is a multitude of things at once, representing all of the art in the world.

Telamor has hardly any clerics. The few that do exist are at the same time some type of artist, and are never zealous to him like the priests of other deities might be. Likewise, he has no temples; painters' studios and theaters are his places of worship. Telamor's followers are not bound to him to the degree of worshipers of other deities; many of those who pray to the Artistic One follow other gods, as well. In like manner, Telamor's alignment is in no way a measure for how his followers must act. Artistic skill may reside in anyone, regardless of how they choose to live their lives.

In mortal form, Telamor is a young and handsome elf. He wears soft silk garments in many different colors, but always has bare feet. Other than his clothing, the only things he carries with him are his magic lyre, which he plays with great skill, and his palette and brush, with which he colors the world where it is needed. When on the Material Plane, he often visits gardens, museums and theatres, to see what the world's painters, musicians, sculpturers, and poets have done with the inspiration he has given them.

Every now and then, several artists gather together at night to hold a festival in honor of Telamor. These revelries, called Leiaras, are begun with a great banquet, where the guests eat, drink, and discuss their respective arts. After the feast, all artists present create a piece of art in limited time, be it a sculpture, painting, poem, or a piece of music. At the end of the Leiara, each of the works of art are examined and a winner is chosen, who receives the cheers of the crowd as his prize. It is said that Telamor himself occasionally attends some of these celebrations, disguised, and takes part in the artistry contest, always making the finest piece of art. But when the rest of the guests try to find the winner and congratulate him, not knowing they are searching for their god, he has vanished without a trace.

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Thanks to t_catt11 for this contribution!


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