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You are here: Home --> The Armoury --> Sal's Outfitters -->> Clothing


Sal's Outfitters

Welcome to Sal's Outfitters' clothing section. Here you will find a wide assortment of styles, makes, patterns, etc. You shouldn't have any problems putting together an essemble that fits your personality. If you desire to see what the garmet is, just click on the "?".
Item Cost Weight Bulk
Aba, common 8sp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Aba, embroidered 1gp, 2sp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Aketon 2gp 2.00 lbs. large
Apron, cloth 2sp 0.01 lbs. tiny
Apron, leather 1gp 3.00 lbs. small
Belt, leather 5sp 0.5 lbs. small
Belt, cloth 8cp 0.05 lbs. tiny
Belt, broad leather 9sp 0.7 lbs. small
Belt, broad cloth 1sp 0.06 lbs. tiny
Blouse, cotton 3sp 0.5 lbs. small
Blouse, linen 4sp 0.4 lbs. small
Blouse, fur-lining add 1sp to blouse cost add 0.05 lbs. to blouse weight NA
Blouse, deerskin 3gp 2.00 lbs. medium
Blouse, silk 8gp 0.25 lbs. small
Boots, tall moccassins 3gp 1.00 lbs. medium
Boots, short moccassins 1gp 0.50 lbs. small
Boots, tall, leather, hard-soled 5gp 3.00 lbs. medium
Boots, tall leather, soft-soled 4gp 2.5 lbs. medium
Boots, short leather, soft-soled 1gp, 5sp 1.0 lbs. small
Boots, short leather, hard-soled 2gp 2.0 lbs. small
Boots, waterproofed add 5sp to boot cost NA NA
Boots, spike attachment add 1gp to boot cost 1.0 lbs. small
Boots, fur-lining add 3gp to boot cost 0.3 lbs. NA
Boots, steel-plated add 5gp to boot cost 2.0 lbs. small
Breeches, leather 2gp 3.0 lbs. medium
Breeches, cloth 1gp 1.0 lbs. small
Bustles 4sp 1.5 lbs. large
Cap 5sp 0.08 lbs. tiny
Cape, half 8sp 1.00 lbs. small
Cape, full 1gp, 1sp 2.00 lbs. small
Chemise, cotton 8cp 0.05 lbs. tiny
Chemise, linen 1sp 0.06 lbs. tiny
Chemise, sackcloth 5cp 0.3 lbs. small
Chemise, silk 5gp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Cloak, common 3sp 2.00 lbs. medium
Cloak, good cloth 5sp 2.00 lbs. medium
Cloak, fur-lined add 8sp to cloak cost 0.5 lbs. medium
Cloak, fur 1gp 5.00 lbs. large
Cloak, water-proofing add 3sp to cloak cost NA NA
Cloak, wool 9sp 2.5 lbs. medium
Cloak, hood addition add 4sp to cloak cost add 0.2 cloak weight NA
Codpiece 1sp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Codpiece, steel 1gp 0.5 lbs. small
Coat, wool 2gp 3.00 lbs. medium
Coat, leather 6gp 5.00 lbs. medium
Coat, fur-lined add 8sp to coat cost add 0.5 lbs. to coat weight NA
Doublet, common 1gp 2.00 lbs. medium
Doublet, rich 5gp 2.00 lbs. medium
Dress, common 7gp 5.00 lbs. large
Dress, rich 10gp 5.00 lbs. large
Girdle, undergarment 3sp 1.5 lbs. small
Girdle, decorative 3gp 1.5 lbs. small
Gloves, supple leather, wrist-length 1gp 0.5 lbs. tiny
Gloves, supple leather, forearm-length 2gp 0.75 lbs. small
Gloves, stiff leather, forearm-length 3gp 1.00 lbs. small
Gloves, cloth, forearm-length 7sp 0.05 lbs. tiny
Gloves, cloth, wrist-length 5sp 0.03 lbs. tiny
Gloves, fur-lining add 5sp to glove cost NA NA
Gown, common 15gp 5.00 lbs. large
Gown, rich 25gp 5.00 lbs. large
Hose, cloth 3sp 0.25 lbs. small
Hose, silk 3gp 0.25 lbs. small
Jacket, leather 4gp 3.00 lbs. medium
Jacket, linen 7sp 0.5 lbs. small
Jacket, silk 6gp 0.25 lbs. small
Jacket, wool 1gp 1.00 lbs. medium
Jacket, fur-lining add 7sp to jacket cost add 0.25 lbs. to jacket weight NA
Leggings, deerskin 8sp 2.00 lbs. medium
Leggings, leather 5sp 2.50 lbs. medium
Leggings, linen 2sp 0.5 lbs. small
Leggings, wool 1sp 0.75 lbs. small
Loincloth, linen 5cp 0.05 lbs. tiny
Loincloth, cotton 4cp 0.05 lbs. tiny
Loincloth, fur 2sp 0.5 lbs. small
Lounging Robe, common 5sp 3.00 lbs. large
Lounging Robe, rich 2gp 3.00 lbs. large
Mantle, spring 5sp 2.00 lbs. medium
Mantle, winter 1gp 4.00 lbs. large
Mittens, cloth 3cp 0.03 lbs. tiny
Mittens, supple leather 3sp 0.5 lbs. tiny
Mittens, fur-lining add 1sp to mitten cost add 0.02 lbs. to mitten weight NA
Nightshirt, linen 8cp 0.5 lbs. small
Nightshirt, silk 9sp 0.35 lbs. small
Nigthgown, linen 5sp 0.75 lbs. small
Nigthgown, silk 5gp 0.5 lbs. small
Parka 8sp 2.75 lbs. large
Pin, common 7cp 0.01 lbs. NA
Pin, decorative 2gp 0.01 lbs. NA
Robe, common 10gp 5.00 lbs. large
Robe, embroidered 25gp 5.00 lbs. large
Sandals 5cp 1.00 lbs. small
Sash, linen 8cp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Sash, silk 8sp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Sash, embroidered add 1sp to sash cost NA NA
Sashling, Elvin 10gp 0.02 lbs. tiny
Shirt, cotton 5sp 0.5 lbs. small
Shirt, linen 6sp 0.5 lbs. small
Shirt, Silk 9gp 0.25 lbs. small
Shoes 3sp 0.5 lbs. small
Slippers, linen 2sp 0.25 lbs. tiny
Slippers, silk 2gp 0.15 lbs. tiny
Slippers, wool 4sp 0.35 lbs. tiny
Slippers, leather 8sp 0.4 lbs. tiny
Snowshoes 10gp 1.00 lbs. large
Stockings 3cp 0.01 lbs. NA
Surcoat, cloth 3sp 0.5 lbs. medium
Surcoat, leather 2gp 2.5 lbs. medium
Surcoat, embroidered add 1sp to surcoat cost NA NA
Toga, linen 8sp 4.00 lbs. large
Toga, wool 5sp 4.50 lbs. large
Tunic, linen 5sp 1.00 lbs. medium
Tunic, leather 3gp 3.00 lbs. medium
Tunic, silk 8gp 0.5 lbs. small
Tunic, fur-lining add 2sp to tunic cost add 0.5 lbs. to tunic weight NA
Turban, common 8sp 1.00 lbs. medium
Turban, rich 5gp 1.00 lbs. medium
Vest, cotton 3sp 0.25 lbs. small
Vest, leather 1gp 2.00 lbs. small
Vest, wool 4sp 1.5 lbs. small

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