Trust the DM Price: $17.00
Friends of Loaded Dice
Sword and Sarcasm
Avatar of Cuteness Onesie Price: $15.50
Credits: Script: Olan Suddeth (t_catt11) Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)
Olan's thoughts for this strip:
I am trying to reflect a little more of the in character lines and such this chapter, as opposed to always showing the players be the only ones who talk about in game situations... otherwise, the in game characters appear to be little more than puppets. It's a struggle, but I'm working on it!
Poor Steve. He literally cannot please this group, can he?
A note for the final panel, if you get confused on the flow of words - read the dialogue as you would a book. Start at the top left, read across, then drop down a line.
Keywords/tags for this comic: beast, girl, faustus, rescue, challenging, impossible, please
Listed at and at
Script for this strip:Faustus: "A child is in trouble! Quickly, friends!"
Tim: "Hang on before you go charging off again; it could be a trap..."
Amy: "Tim's right. We need to be careful."
Ray: "First, you gripe because I'm not heroic enough for you. Now, I'm too heroic. Make up your minds!"
Steve (narrator): "Faustus follows the scream inside another of the caravan wagons to discover another beast man holding a bloody knife to a fearful girl. A second girl lies motionless and bloody on the wagon floor."
Steve (narrator): "As the knight interrupts whatever evil was going on here, a look of shock registers on the beast's face."
Faustus: "Die, monster!"
Steve (narrator): "The beast seems totally unprepared for the knight's attack, failing to even try to use the bloody knife in defense. It dies quickly with a look of terror on its face."
Brad: "Way to go, Ray!"
Ray: "Who says a frontal assault isn't good strategy?"
Tim: "I dunno, man... that seemed really easy."
Rich: "Too easy."
Steve: "Ray is right, you guys are impossible to please. 'The monsters are too lethal, Steve. Now the monsters are too easy.'"
Rich: "Or you're up to something."
Steve: "I rest my case. Never happy, I say. Sheesh."
Originally posted on August 19th, 2011