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Guide to Herbs for RPGs

3rd Edition
By Shaun Hately

Editor's Note: A prudent DM should decide beforehand which of these herbs exist in his campaign world. A select few herbs in this encyclopedia have decidedly magical properties (restoring life, regenerating, etc.) Some of these simply don't exist in my campaign world, for I feel that they would upset the balance and lessen the importance of magical healing. Ultimately, it is the DM's call.

This is a guide for game purposes only. DO NOT under any circumstances, use any of the herbs contained in this guide for any real life purpose.

This guide is �1996, Shaun Hately, except where copyright is already owned by someone else.

 How to use this guide:  This guide was written in order to allow a more detailed method of using the Herbalism Non Weapon Proficiency than that provided in the PHB.

The description of each herb contains the following information:

  • NAME: This is what the herb is called.
  • Available: This is the time of year when the herb is available, and the percentage chance for a person who searches for the herb for one day finding it.
  • Locale: This describes the region in which the herb can be found.
  • Preparation: This describes how long a herb needs to be prepared before it can be used.
  • Cost: The cost before the / is the cost of the herb in raw form. The cost after the / is the cost of buying the herb ready to use.
  • Uses: The number of uses indicates how much of the herb can be found at any one time.
  • Ability Check: The ability check is the value that must be rolled under on a d20 for the use of the herb to be successful. If the ability check is listed as `?' it means that the herb may or may not have the powers attributed to it. If the ability check is listed as '-' then no ability check is needed when using this herb. The DM should decide what effect these herbs have, if any.
  • Description: This section describes what the herb can do.

 The DM who uses or allows this guide in their games should examine it carefully before use, and remove or modify any herbs that they wish. This is particularly true for those herbs that have quite major powers. It will be noted that very few poisons are listed in this guide. This is for two reasons.

  1.  I believe that a Herbalist should not use their art for nefarious purposes. 
  2.  I believe that allowing players access to too many poisons can severely effect game balance.

Any DM who wishes to have detailed poisons in their games is referred to the "Netbook: Poisons of the Realm" which I find to be excellent for the purpose.

 It should also be noted that I have tried not to include herbs that could be classed as "Drugs" with the connotation of illicit use. This is because I do not wish to be seen to be supporting illicit drug use. Having said that, for anyone who wishes to use addiction in their games I refer them to "The AD&D Guide to Drugs" by Desmond Reid. This is an excellent guide to use drugs in AD&D and includes information on addiction and its effects. The drugs contained within it could be converted to my system fairly easily.

 Once again, this is a guide for game purposes only. Do not under Any circumstances, use any of the herbs contained in this guide For any real life purpose.

 Shaun Hately, 6th March, 1996

* Herbs created by Druann Pagliassotti - [email protected]


  • Available: Winter 5%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 1000 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, sight will be restored to the recipient provided the eye remains.


  • Available: Autumn 75%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 7
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +1
  • Description: When All-heale is applied to a wound, (one application per day), the recipient will heal even if still working as normal. With rest, the recipient will heal at three times the normal rate.


  • Available: Autumn, Winter 55%
  • Locale: Temperate Scrub
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 cp/ 5 cp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: The leaf of Aloe applied to a wound, will double the natural healing rate of burns and minor cuts.


  • Available: Spring 40%
  • Locale: Freshwater banks, meadows (also cultivated)
  • Preparation: 3 days/1 week
  • Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 1 Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: The lilac flowers can be prepared into a potion that rapidly cures wounds (3d6 if properly prepared, 1d4 if poorly prepared)


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 75 gp/ 75 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • Description: The root must be applied to a bleeding wound. Within three rounds it will have stopped the bleeding. The recipient must not move for one turn or risk the wound reopening.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Marshes
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 sp/ 5 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: This white flowering plant has black seeds and roots with a sharp taste.The root, when brewed, makes a hot, peppery concoction that helps alleviate common colds, flus and congestions (doubles recovery time, adds +2 to Con rolls to prevent colds in bad weather).


  • Available: Autumn, Winter 50%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 2 sp/ 3 sp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: If the stem of Arfandas is bound up in the dressing of a fracture, it will double the rate of healing for that fracture.


  • Available: Autumn 55%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 12 gp/ 12 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • Description: When the sap of the Arkasu plant is applied to wounds, it doubles the rate of healing.


  • Available: Autumn 60%
  • Locale: Grasslands
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 20 sp/ 20 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -5
  • Description: The leaf of Arlan when applied to a wound will heal 1 hp of damage if used within 5 rounds. Arlan will also speed a person's recovery from respiratory illness by five times.


  • Available: Autumn 70%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 6 gp/ 6 gp
  • Uses: 5
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -1
  • Description: The leaf of this plant should be applied to the site of ligament, cartilage, or muscle damage. If successful, it will double the speed of healing of such damage.


  • Available: Autumn 40%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 7 gp/ 30 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • Description: The stalks of this plant must be brewed for one week in fresh water at the end of which time it may be drunk. If it is successful, it will heal any damage to a persons muscles that are capable of healing naturally.


  • Available: Autumn 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 200 gp/ 1000 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: ?
  • Description: According to legend, the leaves of Athelas when brewed in Elven wine by the hands of a King is capable of curing anything.


  • Available: Winter 40%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 40 gp/ 70 gp
  • Uses: 5
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one day, and the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, sight will be protected from glare or blinding light for a period of nine hours. This herb can thus be used to limit the ill effects suffered by subterranean creatures (such as drow) in full sunlight.


  • Available: Autumn, Winter 45%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 8 gp/ 8 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: Attanar is a moss, which when applied to the forehead of a stricken person, will cure fevers.


  • Available: Always 90%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 10 sp/ 10 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: If this herb is applied to a burn within one hour, it will reduce the damage taken from the burn, by half.


  • Available: All year 20%
  • Locale: Temperate
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +2
  • Description: A small succulent that, when crushed, tends to repel parasitic insects,including mosquitoes and the like. It has a pungent but not unpleasant odor. (Lasts 1d6 hours but can be washed or sweated off. Easily noticed by tracking animals.)


  • Available: Summer 35%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 40 gp/ 40 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: The nut must be eaten to stop bleeding (including internal bleeding). Within two hours it will have stopped the bleeding. The recipient must not move for one additional hour or risk the bleeding restarting.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 3 days
  • Cost: 60 gp/ 180 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • Description: Belramba is a lichen. It must be brewed in water, and then drunk three days later. If used successfully, all nerve damage capable of healing naturally will be healed.


  • Available: Year-round 30%
  • Locale: Temperate Hilly
  • Preparation: 3 days
  • Cost: 2 cp/ 2 cp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Birthnot is a dark-leaved, flowerless vine. The dried leaves can be used to create a contraceptive tea effective on most humans, demihumans andhumanoids, male or female. Must be ingested between 1 hour - 30 minutes before properties invoked. (70% effective; causes mild impotency in males 15% of the time.)


  • Available: Summer 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: This herb will protect people from Plague. It is drunk in wine, and is effective for one week. In plague years, its price increases rapidly.


  • Available: Winter 05%
  • Locale: Tundra
  • Preparation: 2 hours
  • Cost: 1,000 gp and up
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence 14
  • Description: A rare, colorless lichen that grows on rocks beneath year-round ice. When crushed and strained, it creates a clear gel at freezing temperatures thatmelts into liquid when warmer. Imbibing a pint slows the aging process and grants a lifespan of twice normal length.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 05%
  • Locale: Temperate
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: This rare rose is easily identified by its black, velvety flower and long white thorns. The thorns are hollow and absorb liquids at a rate of a pint every 5 minutes. The liquid is stored in the plant's fibrous roots. The black rose's roots are often used to draw poison from wounds or, placed under the tongue, to absorb alcohol and prevent intoxication. Sometimes victims are tied down and pierced with the thorns to cause prolonged and painful exsanguination.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Temperate
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: A tall plant with small, bell-shaped violet flowers and complex roots that are black on the outside and white on the inside. Blackroot's roots can be applied to fresh wounds in order to promote quick healing (applied immediately, gives 1d4 back to character at once).


  • Available: Spring 20%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 4 sp/ 4 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Tall stalks with jagged leaves and purple-red flowers, bloodkeep's fresh leaves can be bound to a wound to stop bleeding at once and quicken coagulation (apply within 2 rounds of injury to stop bleeding; character regains 20% - rounded down - of lost hit points at once).


  • Available: Spring 35%
  • Locale: Volcanoes
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence-2
  • Description: This flower, when eaten, alters the way a person judges distance for a period of one hour. While under the influence of the flower, a person can add a bonus of two to ranged combat attacks, while subtracting two from melee attacks.


  • Available: Always 55%
  • Locale: Swamp
  • Preparation: 3 days
  • Cost: 2 sp/ 3 sp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +3
  • Description: This herb will put someone to sleep for 3d12 hours. A roll of 1 on the ability check will put the person into a coma.


  • Available: Summer 5%
  • Locale: Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 110 gp/ 1000 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Bursthelas must be brewed for one week in fine red wine before it can be used. It must then be drunk within one month or spoil. A successful draft will heal any fractured bones within the body within one to three days.


  • Available: Summer, Fall 05%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 1 hour
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Caffar is made of the small caffar nut that is ground into a powder and brewed into a dark, sweet-smelling beverage, traditionally with a goat's milk base. Like kaffe or black tea, caffar can be used to delay sleep, but it has the side effect of making the ingester more psychically sensitive; psionicists' skills are greatly enhanced and even the unpsyighted are more sensitive to nuances in the environment and in others' manners, sometimes even to the point of detecting "auras" around certain objects. (Raises Wisdom [intuition] by 1 for every 2 cups imbibed, to maximum of 19. Drinking 3-4 cups in one day causes jumpiness that increases as more is imbibed. Those who drink 5 or more cups in one day become slightly physically addicted to the substance and suffer headaches and mild stomach pains when their usage is cut back.)


  • Available: Autumn 30%
  • Locale: Jungles
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 25 gp/ 25 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: A dark nut that grows on the Callin tree in tropical jungles. When the husk is dried, ground and ingested, it thins the blood and strengthens internal organs, helping to prevent heart attacks. (If taken regularly, prevents heart attacks except under extreme duress. Addictive; causes nausea, dizziness and an increased chance of cardiac arrest if quit under unsupervised conditions after repeated use.)


  • Available: Summer 75%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: This herb when made into a salve, will heal all damage to a person's heel.


  • Available: All 05%
  • Locale: Temperate
  • Preparation: none (if growing in right area)
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • Description: A pale, fleshy fungus with a tough, rubbery consistency that is commonly found growing near carnivorous plants. The fungus grows upon corpses, absorbing the cadaver's life memories and personality; up to 10 different minds have been found absorbed by one cephalophage mushroom. Eating cephalophage will transfer those memories and personality quirks to the eater. (Effects last 1d3 hours and while they last the eater can access all of the dead person's mind. After the effects wear off, the eater may still succumb on occasion to "flashbacks" or personality instability; save vs. Intelligence when under intense stress or in a situation liable to cause such flashbacks.) This plant is condemned by some religions as unholy, believed to prevent a soul/spirit from attaining the afterlife. (from Gene Wolfe's Torturer series)


  • Available: Spring, Summer 70%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 6 sp/ 6 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • Description: Anyone who chews on colewort before drinking will remain sober for the entire evening.


  • Available: Always 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 6 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 7
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Description: Cow parsnip will cure madness for a short period (a few hours). Repeated application over a two week period may cure insanity altogether.


  • Available: Summer 50%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Cow-wheat will cause a person to act as if drunk.


  • Available: Always 40%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 35 gp/ 35 gp
  • Uses: 10
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Each application of Culkas will cure one square foot of sunburn.


  • Available: Summer 40%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 6 gp/ 28 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • Description: The spine of this plant must be brewed for one week in fresh water at the end of which time it may be drunk. If it is successful, it will heal any damage to a persons cartilage that are capable of healing naturally.


  • Available: Autumn 40%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 7 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: Darnell will cause dimness of the sight for several hours. DARSURION Available: Winter 50% Locale: Mountain Preparation: none Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp Uses: 1 Ability Check: Intelligence -6 The leaves of Darsurion when applied to a wound will heal 1 hp of damage if used within 3 rounds.


  • Available: Summer 75%
  • Locale: Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 8 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +3
  • Description: Deadly nightshade will put someone to sleep for 4d8 hours. They cannot be woken. A roll of 1 will kill them, a roll of 20 will render them insane.


  • Available: Summer 25%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • Description: Degiik leaves must be given to someone at the point of death. They will keep the person alive for one day.


  • Available: Winter 80%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 hour
  • Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: -
  • Description: The bark of Delrean should be boiled into a paste and then smeared on the skin. It will then repel any insect from coming near the recipient, but the foul stench will reduce their Charisma (Appearance) by 1d2. It is effective for 5d6 hours.


  • Available: Summer, Autumn 55%
  • Locale: Temperate Riverbanks
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Description: Dittany can be used to draw splinter and bone fragments from a wound. It is also an effective antiseptic for cleaning wounds.


  • Available: Spring 60%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 sp/ 5 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • Description: The leaves of Draaf must be eaten in order to restore 1d3 hit points.


  • Available: Spring 10%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • This rare, small, translucent succulent grows primarily in the low desert.When crushed, it exudes a sweet, milky white substance with numbing properties. Properly prepared, dragontears promotes rapid healing and prevents scarring from wounds. Drinking dragontears can be fatal, as its numbing properties can cause choking or heart failure. (Cures 1d8 hp, always prevents scarring.)


  • Available: Spring 45%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 22 gp/ 22 gp
  • Uses: 5
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • The flowers of Ebur must be eaten each day. If the treatment is successful the rate of healing for a sprain will be doubled for that day.


  • Available: Winter 15%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 30 gp/ 30 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -10
  • Edram is a moss which when eaten will cause bones to heal at one and a half times their normal rate.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 05%
  • Locale: Temperate Coastal
  • Preparation: 2 days
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -1
  • This tall, blue-flowered plant with spike-shaped leaves is the base formedicines against nausea, usually taken in the form of a bitter-smelling and -tasting herbal tea. Eldaas is used to counteract the nausea associated with hangovers, motion sickness, morning sickness, and more common illnesses. (Adds +2 to saves versus Con for each level of potency the herb is brewed at, to a maximum of +6 - however, at this strength eldaas can cause dry mouth and constipation. Lasts 1d6 hours regardless of potency level.)


  • Available: Spring, Summer 35%
  • Locale: Artic Forests
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
  • Uses: 5
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • This herb increases the flow of blood. This is very useful when a person is cold. Its effect lasts several hours.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Dry Climates
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 25 gp/ 25 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • A small-leafed ivy that hugs the ground. Entriste's leaves absorb liquid and, when crushed, may be used to draw poison from a wound. (1 leaf absorbs a quarter-pint of liquid. Causes 1d4 damage but draws 100% of poison froma wound if applied within 5 rounds of insinuative poisoning, -25% for each round thereafter. Does not work against gases or "instant-death" poisons. Most poison effects are weakened if the poison is at least partially removed.)


  • Available: Spring 30%
  • Locale: Marshes
  • Preparation: 1 hour or less
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • A wide-leafed plant with large pink flowers and thick roots containing a slimy gel. When the root is pulped, mixed with water and used as a poultice, it is effective against fresh burns, aiding rapid healing. The root-gel can also be thinned and drunk as a thick tea to counter the effects of blood loss. (On burns, add 2 hp/day for each of the first 3 days of rest the character takes. Used to counter bood loss, victim regains 1d3 hp/day instead of 1.)


  • Available: Winter 5%
  • Locale: Freshwater Coasts
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 90 gp/ 900 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, hearing will be restored to the recipient.


  • Available: Spring 30%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • The leaves of this plant should be placed under the tongue of a person in a coma. If successful, the person will awake in 1d6 hours. If a roll of 20 is made, the persons mind will be destroyed.


  • Available: Summer 65%
  • Locale: Forests
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +3
  • This herb will remove the effects of vertigo from a person for up to twelve hours.


  • Available: Always 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb removes bruises from a body very quickly.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 80%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 6 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb prevents hair growing on a characters eyelids. (SEE: MOUNTAIN SETWALL)


  • Available: Spring, Summer 55%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 6 gp
  • Uses: 5
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +3
  • This herb removes all pain from a characters wounds. It will also prevent a character from feeling anything. He could walk through a fire and feel no pain.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 55 gp/ 70 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -10
  • Gariig is a small cactus. It will restore all hit points to a wounded person if eaten within two days of being harvested.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Volcanoes
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 200 gp/ 500 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • Gefnul will totally cure and heal the recipient if eaten within one week of harvesting. A roll of over the Herbalists intelligence will kill the recipient, a roll of twenty will kill the recipient beyond the ability of a raise dead spell to revive him.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 6 gp/ 15 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -10
  • This herb will cure poison.


  • Available: Summer 80%
  • Locale: Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
  • Uses: 6
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • This herb heals the ears of all aches and pains.


  • Available: Autumn 10%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence-2
  • This is an algae. When eaten it allows a person to breathe underwater (and only underwater!) for a period of four hours.


  • Available: Summer 55%
  • Locale: Mountain
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • This herb cures skin diseases.


  • Available: Summer 10%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 150 gp/ 150 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • The resin of this herb must be applied to a bleeding wound. It will immediately stop any bleeding.


  • Available: Always 75%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 6 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb increases a character eyesight for 1d4 turns. They can see twice as far, and when in missile combat, all ranges are treated as if one less.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Temperate, all over
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 1 sp/ 1 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • A common enough herb to make it into most gardens, healwell is a small flowering plant with bright yellow flowers. Its pale green leaves secret an oil that can be rubbed on small injuries. (Cures 1 hp/oz of oil, 1 round/oz to apply; not useful on wounds over 2 hp.)


  • Available: Summer, Autumn 90%
  • Locale: Temperate Farmland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb will nullify the effects of poison weapons, but only if taken before the weapon strikes.


  • Available: Summer 90%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: 4 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • This herb will cause the recipient to vomit up any poison in their system. The person will be incapacitated by nausea for 1-3 days.


  • Available: Summer 10%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 2 days
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 15 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • A clove-like herb that is normally ground up and sprinkled into other dishes or drinks as flavoring, Jaffray also acts as a mild aphrodisiac, increasing sexual interest and general sensitivity to the surroundings. Face flushes, pupils dilate, breathing quickens, and skin becomes preternaturally sensitive. The herb has a mildly cinnamon-like flavor and its potency is not affected by being cooked. The herb is also sometimes used to counteract suspected poisoning, since it increases resistance to poison yet is so common as to be inoffensive if added to a meal. (Wisdom -2, Constitution +2, causes mild, pleasant sense of intoxication. Effects last 1d4 hours. Regular usage will build the user's tolerance to the drug, requiring greater amounts to achieve the same effects. Immunity is possible.)


  • Available: Autumn 60%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 9 sp/ 9 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -5
  • The leaf of this herb, when applied to frostbite will cure 2d6 points of frostbite damage.


  • Available: Winter 30%
  • Locale: Wasteland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This plant is found only in the most inhospitable regions. When a leaf of the plant is eaten, it will (if used successfully) raise a persons strength +2 (or 20 percentage points in the case of exceptional strength) for 1d10 rounds. However if the Intelligence check is failed by more than three, the person will be collapse into unconsciousness for one hour.


  • Available: Always 50%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 19 gp/ 19 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -6
  • If the crushed Kelventari berries are applied to a burn within one turn on its infliction it will heal 1d3 quarters of all damage caused by the burn.


  • Available: Summer 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 65 gp/ 300 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, the recipient will gain a bonus of +2 to all saving throws versus fire based attacks for 1d10 hours.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 30 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • The buds of this plant must be boiled for a day and then eaten. After boiling they will keep for six weeks. When eaten, they will if successful give the recipient infravision for six hours.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Tropical Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -1
  • If applied to a snake bite within one turn, it will draw out the poison. Some very venomous snakes give bites that are incurable by this method.


  • Available: Summer 25%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This is a poison that kills animals that eat it, but has no effect on humanoids, demi-humans or humans


  • Available: Always 35%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/2 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • This herb will counteract the poison of scorpions if taken within 2 turns of the bite.


  • Available: Spring 40%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 4 weeks
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +1
  • This herb sends the recipient to sleep. The sleep will last five hours, during which time the person cannot be woken.


  • Available: Always 35%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 6 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 6 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • This herb removes the colour from the skin of a person who has had yellow jaundice.


  • Available: Summer 95%
  • Locale: Temperate Farmland
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 7 gp
  • Uses: 7
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -15
  • This herb is used as a protection from plague.


  • Available: Winter 75%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • The leaves of this herb increases a character eyesight for 1 turn. They can see twice as far, and when in missile combat, all ranges are treated as if one less.


  • Available: Winter 65%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 12 sp/ 20 sp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Melander is a moss that must be brewed in clear water. The resultant distillation must then be drunk. It will then add +1 to all saving throws vs disease for a period of 1d10 days.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 95%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 8 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -16
  • This herb protects and treats cholera.


  • Available: Winter 60%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • The berries of Mirenna will heal 1d2 hp when eaten.


  • Available: Always 30%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 8 gp/ 9 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: ?
  • This herb is said to repel evil spirits.


  • Available: Always 40%
  • Locale: Mountains
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • This herb cause hair to grow on a characters eyelids. (SEE: FUMITORE)


  • Available: Summer 55%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • The effects of this herb last for two hours. During this time the character can function at negative hit points, or beyond the point of exhaustion.


  • Available: Winter 60%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: 5 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 12 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: 50%
  • The seeds of Navew dropped in a drinks or on to food before it is eaten acts as counteragent to ingested poisons. It prevents the death of a person poisoned in that meal, though they may still be very ill.


  • Available: Summer 10%
  • Locale: Desert
  • Preparation: 2 days
  • Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • A blue-grey herb smelling faintly of nutmeg that heightens the user's senses. Overdosage or prolonged usage causes photosensitivity, distraction and nervousness; on the other hand, prolonged usage can also make the effects permanent. Nightcall gradually dyes the long-term user's hair, teeth, nails, horns, or scales midnight blue. (The minimum dose of 1 tsp gives the eater +100' sight range, +10% hearing, and +1 to Wisdom/Intuition and Dexterity scores. The effects increase proportionatly to the dosage, to no more than +400/40/+4. Dosages over 1 tsp, or 1 tsp taken several days in a row, will cause addiction.)


  • Available: Winter 1%
  • Locale: Elven Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 1200 gp/ 1200 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -10
  • This herb will restore an Elf to life if given within seven days of death.


  • Available: Winter 30%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 300 gp/ 300 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -8
  • The flower of the Olvar bush must be given to a person on the point of death. It will then keep them alive for 2d10 days.


  • Available: Summer 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • This herb can cure yellow jaundice. It takes one week to complete a cure, and it leaves a yellow colour in the skin.

PALLAST (a compound)*

  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Marshes
  • Preparation: 2 hours
  • Cost: 5 sp/ 1 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • "Pallast" is a compound made of the pale, papery bark from willows and the roots of marshmallows. When ground together and imbibed, pallast cures minor aches and pains, especially headaches and pain from abscessed teeth, sore muscles, and so forth. Pallast itself is a very bitter pale powder, and is usually served in a heavily sweetened tea. (Relieves minor pains but does not restore lost hit points.)


  • Available: Always 60%
  • Locale: Mountains & Artic
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -3
  • This herb keeps a person warm for one night or one day, and prevents them suffering from exposure. This can mean the difference between life and death.


  • Available: Summer 1%
  • Locale: Jungle
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 2000 gp/ 2000 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -15
  • A single berry from the Pargen Tree will restore a person to life (-1 point of Constitution) if given within 4 days.


  • Available: Summer 20%
  • Locale: Temperate Forests
  • Preparation: 3 days
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • The root of a small, shrub-like plant with dark green, shiny leaves and thorns, Pattran is used to relax the muscles and encourage sleep. In mild dosages, Pattran causes a general feeling of relaxation, eases sore, strained or sprained muscles, and similar aches. In larger doeses, Pattran causes sleepiness. Pattran tastes like a combination of mint and rich soil. (For sleep dosages, user may voluntarily choose to sleep well or, if resisting, save versus poison at +3. Effects last 2d4 hours; if asleep, the user will sleep and awaken normally.)


  • Available: Summer 20%
  • Locale: Heavy Temperate Forests
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 5 cp/ 5 cp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This dark-colored root grows on a plant distinguished by its waxy dark green leaves. When the root is boiled down, it turns into a thick, strong-smelling greyish liquid that cures congestion when boiled in water and inhaled.(Relieves stuffy head, opens sinuses, for as long as the steam is breathed + 2d6x10 rds.)


  • Available: Autumn 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 9 sp/ 1 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • The nodules of the stem of Rewk must be brewed in clear water for one whole day before drinking. It will then cure 1d3 points of damage.


  • Available: Summer 80%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 3 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 6
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -7
  • This herb will protect against scorpion stings for three days. It will protect against only one sting.


  • Available: Autumn, Winter 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 week
  • Cost: 20 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb raises all attribute scores by one for one hour. Note: this herb is highly addictive. Repeated use is very unwise.


  • Available: Summer 80%
  • Locale: Temperate Rural
  • Preparation: 11 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 20 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence +3
  • This herb cures fevers.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 4 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 7 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -5
  • This herb will place the recipient into a deep sleep for one day. The recipient CANNOT be woken. At the end of the day, all wounds will be healed.


  • Available: Spring 15%
  • Locale: Coastal
  • Preparation: 1 hour/3 hours
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 7 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • A thin stalk covered with yellow-green flowers. The leaves can be steeped in water to make a tea that, when imbibed 3 times a day, reduces inflammation and restores strength; when made into an ointment, snakespike soothes and promotes rapid healing. (Tea gives 1d3 hp/day instead of 1; ointment restores 1d2 hp immediately per application but can only be administered to the same character once a day.)


  • Available: Always 80%
  • Locale: Forest
  • Preparation: 25 weeks
  • Cost: 10 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • This herb is a powerful aphrodisiac. If successfully administered I would suggest that the DM or player roleplays the recipient accordingly. However if a method of using dice to simulate its effect is wanted, I suggest that anyone who attempts to seduce the recipient should have a bonus of 1d4 to their Charisma (Appearance) for a period of 2d10 turns.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 50%
  • Locale: Chalky Soil
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 4 gp/ 10 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb will cure spider poison if applied within 2 rounds.


  • Available: Autumn 20%
  • Locale: Cool to Cold
  • Preparation: none, 1 week
  • Cost: 10 gp/50 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • A dark black mushroom with greyish markings along the undersides, this fungus grows in shadowed forests in cool to cold climes. Suaeysit mushrooms can be eaten directly or dried and ground into tinctures or otherwise prepared. The mushrooms give the imbiber a rush of energy, clearing the mind and raising the spirits. However, they are highly addictive, and care must be taken when preparing and prescribing dosages. Often used to counteract shock in emergency situations. (Temporarily adds +1 to all statistics - no top limit to natural statistics, but it does not add to magically enhanced statistics - and saving throws, and relieves effects of fatigue. This effect lasts for 1d4 hours, after which the user operates at -1 to all statistics and saving throws, and feels even more fatigued. The negative effects of "coming down" can, of course, be counteracted by taking more the drug, with resultant addictive effects.)


  • Available: Spring, Summer 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 6
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • This herb will halve falling damage if applied within one turn of the fall.


  • Available: Always 85%
  • Locale: Tropical Forest
  • Preparation: 4 weeks
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
  • Uses: 7
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb will quench the thirst.


  • Available: Always 20%
  • Locale: Temperate Farmland
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 7 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb will cleanse wounds, removing all infection.


  • Available: Summer 20%
  • Locale: Temperate forests
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • A bushy climbing vine with tubular yellow flowers, the leaves and flowers of tempin can be boiled and made into a poultice that will draw out poisons from bites and stings and allow the wound to heal cleanly and without complications. (When poultice is applied promptly, gives an additional +2 save vs. poison, once on any particular poison attack. Also gives back 1 extra hp/day for the first 2 days after poultice is applied.)


  • Available: Spring 75%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 2 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -5
  • The leaf of this plant must be applied to the site of nerve damage. If successful, the rate of healing for such damage will be doubled on each day of use.


  • Available: Spring, Summer 45%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 7 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 8
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -4
  • This herb will heal scars in a year if applied every week.


  • Available: Autumn 90%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: 1 day
  • Cost: 1 sp/ 2 sp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • The clove of Thurl must be brewed for one whole day. When drunk they will restore 1 hp of damage.


  • Available: Winter 70%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Ur can be used as a substitute for one days food.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: 1 hour
  • Cost: 8 sp/ 8 sp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • If this herb is given to an unconscious person, it will immediately awake the person


  • Available: Fall 30%
  • Locale: Temperate to Sub-Tropical
  • Preparation: 1 hour
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • A tall, flowered plant with silvery-green leaves. When the flowers are mixed with water or wine and applied directly to a wound, they act as a painkiller. (Restores 1d4 immediately, but these points are lost as the effect wears off in 2 hours. Further applications before the previous one has worn off are ineffective.)


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
  • Uses: 4
  • Ability Check: Intelligence -2
  • The smoke of this herb will keep away snakes.


  • Available: Spring 1%
  • Locale: Temperate Forest
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • Each Winclamit tree bears but one fruit per year. When this fruit is eaten it will restore 1d100 hp to the recipient.


  • Available: Summer, Autumn 80%
  • Locale: Tropical & Desert
  • Preparation: 2 weeks
  • Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This herb keeps people cool. It is obviously invaluable in desert regions.


  • Available: Summer 60%
  • Locale: Freshwater Banks
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 1 gp/ 1 gp
  • Uses: 3
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • If drunk in wine, this herb cause people to become very merry.


  • Available: Autumn 80%
  • Locale: Temperate Grassland
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 8 sp/ 8 sp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • The pollen of this flower must be inhaled. A successful roll means that a persons sense of smell and of taste are doubled for one hour.


  • Available: Autumn 40%
  • Locale: Coastal Regions
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 45 gp/ 45 gp
  • Uses: 1
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • When the fruit is eaten, it will restore 1d3 hp to the recipient. Yavethalion keeps for only two weeks.


  • Available: Summer 30%
  • Locale: Underground
  • Preparation: none
  • Cost: 70 gp/ 70 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • When this mushroom is eaten, it doubles a persons rate of movement, and rate of attack for three rounds. At the end of that time the person must save versus poison or collapse in exhaustion for 1d6 turns.


  • Available: Winter 60%
  • Locale: Underground
  • Preparation: 6 hours
  • Cost: 12 gp/ 50 gp
  • Uses: 2
  • Ability Check: Intelligence
  • This fungus must be brewed for six hours. A successful roll means that a persons senses of smell and of hearing are doubled for one hour.

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Thanks to Shaun Hately for this contribution!


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