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"Winter is coming"

Imagine playing Game of Thrones as a RPG? The amount of notes you would have to keep for lineage!
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Trust the DM
Price: $17.00

Jesus Saves!
Price: $19.00

Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity)
Art: Brittany Connolly (Jing)

Roger's thoughts for this strip:
My apologies to anyone who has not read or seen Game of Thrones. I highly recommend both the books and the series. Just don't get attached to main characters.

Brittany's thoughts for this strip:
I was drawing from my own game table for that last panel. We have a tendency to get up from the table to move around when we get really excited. Occasionally the DM has to follow us around. It's kind of funny.

Keywords/tags for this comic: Game of thrones, ad&d, d&d, floyd, hobart, dm, professional Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit

Script for this strip:
FH: Any last words?
PL1: I die as honour commands but mark my words. Winter is coming.
PL2: And I cut off your head. Finally! Now I will be king.
PL3: Not so fast. My eldest son stand poises to take King's Landing
PL4: Except you need my support and I have some caveats to make.
PL1: My Eldest son will stop you.
PL2: I already killed your eldest son.
PL1: No, my second oldest.
P3: Tossed him out of the Airee.
P4: and I have your bastard son captive.
PL1: Well then...Umm. Floyd? Who do I have left.
FH: Ummm let's see. Your second daughter has an illegitimate boy.
PL1: Aha!
FH: But he's 4.
PL1: Oh. He won't be a boy forever.
PL1: Winter is Coming!
PL2: Hear Me Roar!
FH (Thought Bubble): What happened to the days when players didn't want their characters to die?

Originally posted on January 11th, 2012

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