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You are here: Home --> The Armoury --> Syl (elf) Name Generator


Sylvari (Elven) Name Generator

The sylvari are the elves of Audalis. Our name generator utility will create random given names, surnames, or full names for your use. You may generate a single name, or create up to one hundred elf names at a time.

Like most elven cultures, sylvari given names tend to be flowing and poetic sounding, though they often make use of odd vowel sounds and other combinations that may be difficult for humans to pronounce. Our utility will allow you to create given names for either males or females. In addition, the generator allows you to create realistic surnames that work well with either gender.

Given name, surname, or both?
Total number of names to generate

This generator can produce up to 4,303,689 syl (elf) given names.
This generator can produce up to 33,461 syl (elf) surnames.
All told, our random syl (elf) name generator can produce 144,005,737,629 possible name combinations.

Thanks for taking the time to use the Red Dragon Inn's Sylvari (Elven) Name Generator. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, don't hesitate to contact us. While you're here, why not drop by the forums? New players and GMs are always welcome at the Inn!

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