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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

Alacrity's Robe of Useful Items

An improvement on the rather dull list of items that are listed in the DMG.

Alacrity’s Robe of Useful Items: This appears to be an unremarkable item of apparel, but a wizard who dons it will note that it is adorned with small cloth patches of various shapes. Only the wearer of the robe can see, recognize, and detach these patches. One patch can be detached each round. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item, as indicated below.

A robe of useful items always begins with two each of the following patches: Two Daggers Two lanterns (full of oil, lit) Two Mirrors (Large) Two 10' poles Two coils of silk rope (50') Two Grappling hooks Two large Sacks.

In addition, the robe will have 2-24 items which must be diced for. Roll 2d12 to determine how many additional items a robe has and then percentile dice to determine specific items:
1. One rowboat (12 long)
2. A writing journal, with ink pot and quill
3. A 3’ tall dancing tiki doll that sings “it’s a small world’ over and over
4. A vodka martini, shaken not stirred, with a lemon twist, no olive
5. A fresh pair of undies (breeches) and clean socks
6. One delayed blast fireball (15 seconds 8d6)
7. A ball of twine – 10’
8. One angry mean badger
9. A deck of cards
10. Wire cutters
11. A small monkey
12. An anvil
13. One set of cutlery (knife, fork, spoon with a napkin)
14. A spyglass (small telescope)
15. One ladder (24')
16. a magnifying glass
17. A necklace of garlic
18. One potion of extra healing
19. One tuxedo (tailored to fit wearer)
20. a small wooden table with a chair
21. a small jar of cooking spices
22. One crossbow (loaded)
23. 3 lbs of uncooked rice
24. One potion of minty fresh breath
25. One goat
26. One carafe of hot coffee
27. A pink flamingo lawn ornament (wood)
28. One bag of 100 gold pieces
29. A coconut cream pie
30. One black cat
31. One wooden stake
32. One long sword (wooden practice)
33. Mule with saddle bags
34. One continual light spell on a small cylinder object
35. A pair of war dogs
36. One 24lb turkey, fully cooked, piping hot with all the trimmings
37. One torch (lit)
38. One window, 2 x 4’, 2” deep
39. One short bow and three arrows
40. One chicken (rubber)
41. One jar; peanut butter
42. One set of 12 climbing spikes
43. A silver tipped lance
44. One 10’ cubic pit (open)
45. One set of salt and pepper shakers (Full)
46. One iron door, 10 to 10 wide, and 10; high, barred on one side, will attach to wall and hinge itself)
47. One campfire (burning, with 6 logs on the side)
48. One quiver of sheaf arrows (20)
49. One Shield spell scroll
50. One small jar of Grey Poupon (Mustard)
51. One hourglass
52. Al’s Disposable Magic Long Sword. First round it is +3, Second +2, Third +1 Fourth normal and Fifth it disintegrates
53. One Delayed Blast Snowball (15 seconds 8d6, movement slowed through snow)
54. A set of wind chimes
55. One tower shield, (black with a yellow happy face painted on it)
56. A soup ladle
57. A lawn gnome ornament (Clay)
58. A gallon of red paint in a ceramic jar
59. One raincloud (small area, rains for 1 hour heavily)
60. A small pot of glue
61. Al’s Magical Armour repair kit (good for one suit of metal type armour)
62. One hair brush
63. One set of thieves tools
64. Al’ Disposable Magic Toothbrush (Kills plaque in a 1” rad)
65. One rake
66. One multi-coloured cloak
67. One pair of high soft boots
68. One garbage bin
69. One scouring brush
70. One water proof traveling cloak (Extra large)
71. A bag of 12 caltrops
72. 5 lbs of ground beef (uncooked)
73. Just enough change (Whatever coinage the caster needs, under 1 gp)
74. A halberd
75. One Strength spell scroll
76. One full set of plate mail horse barding (war horse size)
77. Snake venom antidote (I dose)
78. One set of dice
79. One chicken (Live)
80. One sombrero
81. Al’s Clothing Disintegrate Spell (Like a Disintegrate spell but effects all clothing in a 10’ radius)
82. A plate of wood, four cheeses and some pate with crackers
83. One large shovel
84. One Scroll of Protection from Fuzzy Creatures.
85. One Marriage Certificate (Names blank)
86. One frothy mug of ale
87. One small silver bell
88. One Silence 15’ radius spell (4 hours)
89. One pair of warm woolen mitten
90. One large white flag of a 10’ pole
91. One small hand axe
92. One potion of floral breath (Everywhere the person breathes, flowers grow)
93. One bag of hard tack (12 wafers)
94. One pair of scissors
95. One shady tree (plants itself and takes root)
96. A 10’ x 10’ x 10’ block of ice
97. One toothpick
98. A bar of soap (herb scented)
99. One Al’s Disposable Magic Key (Opens one chest type lock and vanishes)
100. Roll twice more Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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