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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

Atenthal's Daggers

In the city of Erikol, nestled deep between the Valley of the Mage and the Dim Forest, the thieves’ guild has a long and infamous history. Part of it comes from the stories of Atenthal, the adventuring thief whom settled in Erikol and established the first guild. This Guildmaster has never died. He exists as an undead revenant, trapped in the crypts below the guild house. They say his spirit can not rest until he is reunited with the famous five daggers that he used so skillfully in life. Each dagger is shorter than the norm, but with a wider, heavier blade. All five daggers are made of a black metal that does not reflect the light. The hilt of each dagger ends in a pommel shaped like a human skull.
They are all perfectly balanced for throwing, and if dropped will always land point first. Two of these daggers have red ruby eyes. These are the Seekers daggers and if one is thrown, the other will follow on its own volition. The second dagger will strike an opponent on inch below the first dagger.
The dagger with the emerald eyes has a hollow hilt that can contain poisons and other nasty liquids. Small holes allow the poison to be released upon a successful thrust. The contents of the hilt are only released upon impact, so the dagger does not reveal its nature to the opponent.
The dagger, with the sapphire eyes, has an enchantment on it that allows it to change shape, by twisting the pommel - the dagger’s blade opens up like a budding flower, changing to becoming a grappling hook,
The final dagger is for stealth, for if you press the pommel, the dagger shrinks rapidly becoming a small earring, with a dagger pendant dangling underneath. Now you can get a weapon into those places that insist you travel unarmed, but it is unwise to follow that rule. By detaching the pendant, the dagger resumes it form quite rapidly.
Atenthal's Daggers. All daggers are +2 to hit and damage. They are enchanted to not reflect light, nor make a sound when drawn from a sheath.
                Seeker (2): When one dagger is thrown the other follows, flying out of the sheath as if it had been thrown as well. If the first dagger strike the opponent, then the second one automatically strikes as well (but does not count as an attack against the number of attacks per round). If the first dagger misses, then the second one requires a to hit roll to strike the opponent.
                Venom: A hollow hilt that contains three "shots" of poison. The poison is only released upon impact of the blade. Otherwise the chamber is airtight and will not leak. Others can examine the dagger, with only a 1% chance per level that it’s unique quality will be spotted.
                Stealth: Shrinks into an earring on the pressing of the pommel. This dagger also returns when thrown but only in dagger form.
                Grapple: Changes into a grappling hook with the twist of the pommel. The grappling hook is lightweight and easy to throw. Note that it does not come with rope. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Vanadia for this contribution!


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