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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

Concordant Opposition

A simple short sword  in a plain leather scabbard that has been dyed a deep black and is without any ornaments or designs. The hilt, guard, pommel and blade of the sword are solid silver, engraved with many elven runes, the sword’s name, Nhimaohtar (Concordant Opposition), across the blade and guard. The guard is molded or carved in an intricate leaf pattern that curves away from the hilt.
The blood runnel of the blade is a bright white, with the rest of the blade scintillating with all the shades of blue from the deep blue of a super-hot flame to the light blue of glacial ice. A faint blue glow illuminates the blade and you can feel alternating waves of hot and cold coming off the sword. A thin stream of water trickles down the blood runnel, on your economy hand and on to the ground. The water is hot, but not scalding. When you hold the blade up, steam can be seen coming from the very tip of the blade.
This is the work of an elven smith whose name is long since lost to history. He became completely insane while making this sword, so how he bonded a fire spirit and a frost spirit into the same blade is unknown.
Hold forth the sword and say “Nhima” (Concordant in elven), and the sword turns a deep blue and begins to flame with a strong flickering blue aura. The blood runnel turns glacial blue and the water trickling of the blade disappears.
With the utterance of “Othar” the sword changes to a whitish-blue cold and you can feel the cold from the blade. The blood runnel changes the deep blue and the sword glows with a pale white glow.
To bring the sword back to a state of balance, merely say ‘Meiva (Balance)’ and it will be as you first saw it.
If you speak both names together. both spirits would be released into the blade and battle for dominance. When this is done, the sword will create a huge fog of scalding mist. The sword then become inert for 24 hours, after which, the spirits revive and can be called upon once more.”
Concordant Opposition (Nhimaohtar)
Short Sword + 2 in balanced format, this sword only response to elven verbal commands.
Nhima Concordant: The sword becomes a +3 Firebrand, +6 vs. Cold using or Cold-dwelling creatures. The wielder also gains the benefit of protection as if were a Ring of Cold Resistance.
Ohtar Opposition: The sword becomes a +3 Frostbrand, +6 vs. Fire using or fire dwelling creatures. The wielder also gains the benefit of protection as if were a Ring of Fire Resistance.
If both names are uttered at once, the sword spouts forth a cone (10’X30’x50’) of super-heated steam. Any creature caught in this fog takes 6d6 points of damage. If they can not escape the steam in a round, they take 4d6 more in the next round and 2d6 in the third round. After this the steam will have dissipated completely. This will leave the sword as +1, and no special abilities for 24 hours. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to John Morton for this contribution!


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