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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

The Myth Drannor Sorcerer�s Suit

A black shirt and pants - the “cloth” feels like liquid and your fingers would pass into it. The liquid is very warm and almost feels like it was alive and there are no seams at all on the suit. It is a single bodysuit with no ties or buttons to fasten.
That is a special armour created by an … accident of magic. A group of shade sorcerers were trying to prevent the Ravenloft Darklords from entering their Realm through the Pool of Radiance in Myth Drannor. When the characters interrupted their spell, the sorcerers were drawn into the pool and their dark essences merged with the liquid. The liquid infused with the will and life force of the sorcerers, then attempted to form the shape of a man, but could not. In the end, it formed into the shape of this suit. If you were to take the suit and hold in to your body, the liquid would flow around you, surrounding your body until it covered you completely from neck to toe. Once worn, the suit gives the wearer to ability of a sorcerer to cast magic spells, though not at the expertise of the original. However, the suit retains an intellect of its own and thereby can learn more spells, gaining more power.”
The Myth Drannor Sorcerer’s Suit
(NOTE: 3rd Edition Rules)
This suit is made of a black liquid similar to mercury, and has a semi-sentient intellect. Although the suit can not act on it’s own, it can choose to bond with someone touching it. A saving throw is allowed if the person is conscious and unwilling.
·        The Suit confers an +3 Armour Bonus
·        The wearer gains the spell casting abilities of a 3rd level Sorcerer. All spell bonuses for the wearer are based on their own ability scores.
·        The Suit gains a portion of the wearer’s experience points as if the wearer was multi-class. As the suit goes up in levels, it gains new spells, but no other benefits of the class.
·        The Suit can be taken off and put back on at will, by the wearer, but they lose all the bonuses of the suit when not worn. It can be worn under armour, but armour will affect the spells as it would any sorcerer. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to David S. for this contribution!


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