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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

Scarab of the Tailor

An Item for the fast change artist in your party.

It is a brooch that is finely crafted in gold with a huge red gemstone surrounded by five smaller stones. Called “The Scarab of the Tailor”, it was originally made for King Leon the Third after assassins attempted to kill him while on a hunting party. Each gemstone holds an extra-dimensional space, similar to a bag of holding. Each pocket can hold one article of clothing or armour and by turning the centre gemstone, the article you are wearing disappears into the brooch and is replaced instantaneously by the other article. It is limited to only the one article, so a shirt may be switched with a mail shirt or a breastplate but not an entire suit of armour.
King Leon used this to foil many attackers until an assassin was smart enough to kill him with a poisoned arrow in the leg. The brooch was then passed on to his wife, Queen Sayla who used it to astonish the royal court with her ability to change outfits so quickly. A highwayman, who caught her riding unattended, stole it from her but died shortly afterward. He met his doom by putting on the brooch and turned the gem; suddenly finding himself wearing a pink corset that was fatally too small for him. It was picked up by an infamous cidal thief, Ubeenhad who used it in many a larcenous scheme. He later lost it in a poker match and it has changed hands a few times since then.
Gaming Note: The brooch holds up to five articles of clothing. They can only be one piece and the brooch must be attached to the article. When the articles switch, all items in pockets switch as well. The brooch will always remain attached to the next article, unless it is a breast plate or bare skin. If there is no article of clothing in the spot that is switched to, then the wearer will be quite naked and the brooch will fall to the ground. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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