Noska Trades� Selective Death Spell
Level: 9 Casting Time: 6 hours Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1/2 mile per level Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None Duration: Permanent This spell will slay a very specific type of creature in the designated area of effect with the effectiveness of a double strength death spell (with respect to numbers of creatures slain). For example: the first born children of a specific race could be slain in the area of effect.
During the 6-hour casting time, black storm clouds form over the mage and slowly pillar to the ground. Upon completion of the casting the cloud touches the ground and vanishes and the selected group of creatures slowly dies over the period one round.
The first material component is a blade of grass from the grave of a member of the specific group of the type to be selected. The single blade of grass must be picked in the direct light of a full moon. The second material component is 5,000 gp worth of powdered diamond.
Thanks to Sesamus for this contribution!