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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

The Katana of Boto

The hilt of the curved weapon is woven silver and gold around a red crystalline substance that you hand never seen. The blade is pure silver, almost white with tiny symbols etched along the centre of the blade. The hilt of the weapon is very ornately carved steel, in a shape of a large dragon consuming a smaller one. The scabbard is a black metal, very plain and dull, with different symbols over ever inch of the weapon. You can tell just by looking at it that the scabbard was made by a different person than whoever made the Katana.
Boto, a powerful demon, was a souleater, which is a powerful and cruel demonic creature that can rip the soul of a mortal creature from his body and devour it. These souleaters have souls of their own, and Boto placed a piece of his soul into this blade in order to create a weapon that could slay his own kind. Boto found that by slaying souleaters and devouring their souls, he took their powers and strength from them. But Boto became careless in his vast power and a mortal man, named Jarik, stole the sword from him. Although the mere touching of the blade burned his hands, Jarik sought to use the weapon against Boto to slay him. But, as the sword contains a portion of Boto’s soul, he can not be slain by this review weapon unless someone can release the captive part-soul and replace it with a part-soul of the wielder. Jarik was never able to accomplish this, and in the end he passed the weapon on to his son. Jarik later killed himself out of the shame of his failure
The Katana of Botois a +3, double damage vs. demons, sword will glow red in 100’ presence of demons. The unsheathed sword is detectable to Boto from any distance if he is on the same realm of existence. Boto should be considered a triple strength Type VI demon with the ability to eat souls. He can not be slain except with this sword, after his soul portion has been released and the wielder’s soul portion has been added. It is DM discretion as to how that can be accomplished.
·        Wielder gains a 75% magic resistance to demon cast spells or demonic innate magic.
·        Sword is completely silent when drawn from sheath or dropped.
·        Sword can detect demons from 100 miles but wielder can only tell general direction of demon. Boto can be detected from with 50 miles
·        The weapon is evil, and does 1d8 damage per round to anyone Non-evil attempting to use it. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Bronwynluv for this contribution!


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