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You are here: Home --> Alacrity's Magic Items

Undead Appearance

Undead Appearance (Necromancy / Illusion)

Level 3 Magic User Spell
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn per level of caster
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect 1 to 4 creatures
Saving Throws: n/a.

This spell will give the recipients the appearance of zombies not only to the living but the undead as well. In fact anyone with this spell cast upon them will detect as Undead to such spells as Detect Undead. Intelligent undead such as Death Knights or vampires are allowed a saving throw versus spells or wisdom check (as appropriate by the DM) to see the person as a living being. Otherwise they will be able to pass among the undead freely.
The reverse of the spell (Living Appearance) will do much the opposite to the undead. The creatures will appear alive, feel warm to the touch, and even bleed if cut. Intelligent creatures are allowed the same saves as noted above, especially if they notice something unusual. (i.e.: the ''person'' doesn’t eat for a few days at a time, never drinking, never sleeping, etc.)

Both the caster and the recipient can dismiss this spell at any time. It cannot be cast upon an unwilling target. The material components of this spell are some lint from a dead man’s pocket and a dried leaf from a dead tree. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Warlord Ramirez for this contribution!


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