Trust the DM Price: $17.00
NPC Price: $14.00
Credits: Script: Roger Briant (Alacrity) Art: Lance W. Card (Bromern Sal)
Roger's thoughts for this strip:
Today's comic is a guest strip brought to us by the Red Dragon Inn's own Roger Briant and Lance Card (aka Alacrity and Bromern Sal).
RPG Myth Breakers will be an ongoing series of its own, to be posted at those times when Loaded Dice is off schedule for some strange reason or another (the current wacom tablet issues being a perfect example), or just for a nice change of pace every now and then.
Goofy costumes, kidnapping, catapults... what's not to like?
Keywords/tags for this comic: RPG, Mythbreakers, Myth Breakers, filler, guest, strip, Alacrity, Bromern, catapult, bag, kidnapping
Script for this strip:Alacrity: Hi, I'm Alacrity.
Bromern: And I'm Bromern.
Both: and we are RPG Myth Breakers.
Alacrity: Here we will look at some of the myths and legends coming out of RPG's and examine them closely.
Bromern: for our first episode we are looking at the myth that T_Catt11 and Alacrity are the same person.
Alacrity: What! There is no such...
Alacrity: You didn't!
Bromern: Relax, he's fine.
Alacrity: You... kidnapped the webmaster?
Bromern: See! Here they are in the same room. Not the same person at all.
Alacrity: This is the Webmaster Bro! You know what he can do to us?
Bromern: He, Olan can take a joke. Can't you Olan? Old friend?
Olan: Next on Myth Breakers - how far can two ex-administrators fly? We will find out.
Alacrity and Bromern: Help! Please!
Originally posted on May 17th, 2010