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Lost: One Sword

Has anyone seen my sword?
My big plus five avenger,
It was here last week,
On my character sheet,
Now covered with liquid paper.
The Gamemaster gave to me,
On our last night session,
Kill the Balrog,
And one Death Slaad,
I fought hard to earn that weapon,
May have been a thief last night?
Crept and stole my prize.
Now they'll rebuild,
I destroyed their guild,
The master is now kender size.
Could have been an evil mage?
Craving arcane knowledge,
Now their tower is gone,
I may have been wrong,
No reason to use such language.
Might the clerics seek my blade?
Wishing to spirit away the relic,
All the temples in town,
Are now burned down,
And I'm still looking for my magic.
The Gamemaster knows the truth,
But he is being a silent mister,
Give me back my sword,
Or I will tell all the lore,
Of that night with my drunken sister.
So… Has anyone seen my sword?
My big plus five avenger,
It was here last week,
On my character sheet,
Now covered with liquid paper. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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