Days Long Past
I remember the days,
Days long past,
Days of happiness and joy,
When no cloud marred the sunlit sky.
Playful memories of that time,
Neither cares nor worries,
Loud joyful moments and quiet peace,
No remote thought of any impending doom.
But it came,
Not on the swift wings of dragons,
But on the slow, steady waves of decay.
A haze began to hover in front of the sun.
I was oblivious to the fog.
Oblivious to the incoming darkness,
Oblivious to the demons coming,
I could not feel the apprehension in the air.
Joy to sorrow and anger,
Quiet peace to silent fuming,
The demons had enter our midst,
My people had entered the tunnel.
Now we fight,
We fight the demons among us,
We fight to escape this tunnel,
The light at the end drives us forth.
I know that we can never go back,
Back to the days long past,
The memory of these demons will plague us forever,
But we will fight for a shadow of those days,
For a shadow of those days long past.
  Thanks to Vates Tenebrae for this contribution!