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Thanks, Red Dragon Inn
He entered the Red Dragon a tired weary soul he ordered himself a flagon to warm him from the cold He took to a shadowed table in the corner by the stairs A seat where he was able to catch others unawares A noble child family lost he travelled 'cross the plains He battled foes in anger Escaping from the pain Red robes flowed behind him an Entertainer's guise Hidden tricks and weapons The element of surprise The figure who next chanced To enter through the door Instantly stopped the evening dance As all stopped to adore An elven diamond in the rough pheonix flames upon her skin A fiercely strong yet gentle touch The gift of her and kin His eyes looked up from shadow Form sihouetted by the light She brought about an aura A kind of inner light She waltzed across the great room at his table took her seat Thoughts of lust indeed did loom within his head that night They talked about adventures they had ventured in the past and though the quest was over their friendship it did last They sat about the fire and talked of days of yore of evils and their ire of relics and of lore Sarge shared his bardic music Caitlannagh, elven song The patrons of the tavern soon became a throng And when melodies were at an end They retired to their seats Where they could go and truely tend To each other's needs The embrace of lovers and of heros The softness of their skin In the warmth of love,and of the fire they sat at the Red Dragon Inn
  Thanks to Kaelyn for this contribution!
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