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The Quams of a DM
In his chamber the DM wonders He thinks and plans and ponders What can I use for tomorrow�s game So that it won�t become lame? Maybe a kobold? No, that is getting old Perhaps a magical ring? No, that�s the usual thing How about a poisonous dire rat? No, the players are surely fed up with that The DM loses hope With this, he can�t cope He rolls his lucky die As a desperate last try It flips and turns As the DM�s stomach churns Just before it lands The DM covers his eyes with his hands He dares not see What the number will be He has been afraid for so long And most of all would like to play a game of Mah-Jong But at last, the DM dares glance At the die he just held in his hands It shows the number six Are his eyes playing him tricks? Overcome with happiness The DM loses all his stress His mind stops being a jerk And instead starts to work He comes up with the perfect solution His plans for a great adventure have come to fruition I know! A ferocious dragon Hiding inside the dwarf�s beer flagon! Having completed the ultimate player-trap The DM takes a well-deserved nap
  Thanks to Scarab for this contribution!
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