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A Summoning in Song

Children rise from your beds. Turn your blankets. Raise your heads. Shake the sand from eyes, don your threads, and forgoe all those morning dreads. Listen to my melody! Hamlin's pipes are played for thee! Follow and wonders you'll see! Come and caper wild and free! Students from your lectures turn. No more candles need you burn. A finer lesson you will learn if your tutors you will spurn. Listen to my wild refrain! Give your feelings full reign! It's a balm from want and pain! Join as it comes round again! Warriors, mages, wanderers all, turn from your quests, hear my call. There is no treasure or tale tall that won't be found within this hall. Dance along with our tried beat! Move to our measure fleet! As we revel our joy's replete! Don't waste your time upon your seat! Ancients, Crones, bereft of days, don't give into depressions craze. Dig deep within lost memories haze. For age is just a passing phase. Add to our fellowship entire! Give no thought to early retire! Every person's fuel for the fire! Our spirits rise ever higher! Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Fallingstar for this contribution!


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