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A DM on the Edge

I remember the day I got the books, I took one look and I was hooked, I siad "My God! We have to play!!" I became DM that day. I went to school and gathered some friends, We decided to play that weekend. I printed sheets, I bought the dice, I cleaned my basement up real nice. I prepared an adventure, and on Saturday, The guys came over and it was time to play! Dragons, Giants, they fought several, And within 3 months the characters were at Epic levels. And finally, the game reached a happy end, But when we started over, I was DM again This time it wasn't as much fun, I saw the Bard and wanted to play one, "But your DM," they would say, I was forced to make adventures, day after day after day. I threw them in traps, they didn't know why... But secretly I wanted them to DIE. They may understand, if they could only see, How boring being DM can be. So I killed them all, one by one, and in their deaths I had my fun, An army of hobgoblins, a legion of knolls, A hidden pit full of flaming coals, A knife in the back, an axe to the head, I found more ways to make them dead. My players left, throwing a fit, (I had locked the group in an inescapable pit) But I continued on my dastardly deed, Writing up more ways to kill a PC. In truth, this story has no end, I kept upon my killing trend, But the moral of the story is easy to see, When the warrior is level 20, and the mage 23, GIVE YOUR DM A CHANCE TO PLAY PC!! Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to R. Adam Lentz for this contribution!


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