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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Poetry


Riding as fast as my mount will run,
Through this driving wind.
Snow cakes on my helm,
I can't see where it is,
That I have been.
There is a Demon to my left,
And a Horned Devil to my right.
Once again my love,
I fear that I will be home late tonight.


Been the King's messenger,
My sworn duty served now fifteen years.
Scroll case at my side,
Sword across my back,
No regrets my dear.
For King for Country through the darkest nights,
I will not flee.
But home with my love and in her arms,
Is where I long to be.


That this will be my last time,
I have sworn so too many times.
Be there for you my darling,
Through this night,
Not this simple rhyme.
Duty is a barbed arrow shot deep,
Stuck within my heart,
Would you respect me my dear,
If I refused to play my part?


I will ride for Honour and Duty,
Ere I shall take your blame.
There is an Evil in the land,
And its servants know my name.
Be it demon,
Or devil who blocks my path,
It is my fight!
Once again my love,
I fear I will be home late tonight Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Roger (Alacrity) Briant for this contribution!


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