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You are here: Home --> The Archives --> Poetry


Born in flame, the darkness rages,
From the mind unto the pages.
Newborn hate burns forest old,
As dangerous as stories told.


Deep within the demon egg,
In candle light could see a leg.
Mother's blood upon the ground,
Searches treasure he has found.


Final warmth gives o'er to life,
Egg and lonliness, it's strife.
'Neath chilling air grows it's fury,
With boiling blood, as hot as curry.


Scent of blood sends him mad,
Blood of mother he once had.
Though newborn, with greivence old,
He lights up flame, beats back the cold.


Forest burnt and soldier dead,
Upon his mother, drops his head.
Sees dead eyes where light once shone,
But now all love and life is gone.


Though yearning death, his fury reigns,
Guiding him through endless pains.
Howls to heaven to let all know,
Man's greed has bred mankind's new foe.



~For every child orphaned by greed Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Rune for this contribution!


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