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He raises his fist again,
Brings it down against the boy's head.
Anger seaping from every pore,
Flushed with hate,
The Red Dragon lives on...


He watches the couple approach,
Eyes the man's pocket, holding his wallet,
Eyes the woman's purse,
And pulls out his gun, stepping from the alley,
The Black Dragon lives on...


While his fingers play with his check book,
He reads the letter again,
Begging for help, pleading for compassion,
He smiles while he drops the book back in his drawer,
The Green Dragon lives on...


She looks in the mirror, checking again,
Thinking of all those poor people,
Not nearly as pretty as she,
Laughing as she knows she's the one's who's got it,


The Blue Dragon lives on...
He lowers the rifle, shot ringing in his ears,
Walks over to eye his kill,
Another trophy for his wall,
Singing while he slices the fur from it's body,


The White Dragon lives on...
The Dragons live on. Digg Technorati Blinklist Furlreddit
Thanks to Rune for this contribution!


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