Law of the Hunter
The glistening claw, shining,
Water sheen, tooth and breath,
Hard red skin-scales,
In which a man's life can be balanced.
In one hand the heart, the other the truth,
Both devoured by the maw.
What is truth, that we trust it so much?
The hunter hunts, the prey is caught.
This is truth. Is the hunter evil for hunting,
Or does it simply exist?
No prey means no hunter; no hunter, no prey.
Each formed by nothingness, the absence of the other.
Are Dragons born of belief, or do we beleive in Dragons?
If they are not, it doesn't matter.
If they are, does it?
The hunter cares not.
It hunts prey, prey is caught.
That is the way of things.
Simply because.
  Thanks to Rune for this contribution!