Roster for the ,

Lieutenant Talon
Ye Olde
Current Assignment:
Chief Tactical/Security Officer , USS Charon
Date of Birth:
220 lbs.
Eye Color:
Yellow with black ve
Hair Color:
Physical Description:
Family and Background:
Service Record:
Medical History:
Commendations and Reprimands:
2374.09.07 - Reduced to the rank of Lieutenant for insubordination. Field demotion performed by Captain Gavison for his actions during the rescue mission of the Cerberus crew.
Special Skills or Ratings:
Ships weaponry - Phasers (all), Torpedos (all), and Deflector systems. He is also trained in all manner of Lyran ships weaponry (Phasers, Disruptors, ESG, Etc.). Combat Ship Tactics.

Hand Phasers (all Types), Disruptors, Hand to hand combat, Bladed combat (Various), Zero G Combat. Ground Combat Tactics.
Personal Bio:
Talon, named so since his Lyran name is unpronounceable by most other races, is one of only a handful of Lyrans who are part of the Federation. Talon’s family belongs to the Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR) who rebelled against the Lyran Star Empire because they were enamored by the Federation’s egalitarian ideals. The LDR was quickly recognized by the Federation in the hope that the ideals would spread throughout the Lyran Empire.

After two years of internal war, with the Imperial government unable to put down the rebel faction, the Lyran Emperor granted the LDR autonomy over it’s small Duchy as long as it retained fealty to the Empire. The LDR opened peaceful talks with the Federation in an attempt to strengthen their government and ensure their position would not be undermined by the Empire.

The arrival of the Borg was met with disbelief by the Empire and the LDR. With permission of the Federation, an LDR Tiger Heavy cruiser named “Blood Wounds” (best translation) was sent to ‘observe’ the battle of Wolf 359. When the Commander of the LDR cruiser, Talon’s father, saw the Federation ships being easily destroyed by the Borg, they switched from ‘observing’ to ‘battle’ mode and attempted to help the Federation in the hopeless battle. The LDR cruiser was destroyed along with all the Federation ships at Wolf 359. Fortunately for the Lyrans, the Borg were stopped before reaching their sector of space.

Because of the sacrifice the LDR cruiser personnel, the Federation looked more favorably upon relations with the LDR from that moment on. So when the son of the LDR cruiser’s Commander, Talon, requested to join Star Fleet it was allowed as an experimental gesture of good will.

Relations between the Federation and the LDR continue to improve; during the Dominion offensive a small LDR fleet was sent through Klingon space and engaged the Dominion twice in Klingon territory and once in Federation space.

Talon went to the Star Fleet Academy and being a true Lyran took up a career in Tactics and Security. His prior military experience with the LDR Navy allowed him to enter service as a higher rank than most cadets, therefore his quick rise to his current rank of lieutenant commander. He has served on two others ships in Tac/Sec prior to being stationed at his current assignment, the USS Charon as it’s Chief Tactical/Security Officer. Talon has been with Star Fleet now for 8 years and has served aboard the Charon for the past 2 years.

Talon’s size, strength, fearlessness, and often frightening demeanor usually intimidate most humans and other smaller, less threatening species. He takes his job very seriously and considers it an honor to be serving aboard the Charon, but his Lyran feline traits often cause conflict and arguments with other officers and crew. His tendency to voice his opinions, wanted or not, often have him at odds with the Captain and Executive Officer of the Charon but he is ultimately loyal and has proven himself as a very competent Chief Tactical/Security Officer who is able to handle both offices equally well.

Likes: Fighting; Gambling, games like Dabo and Dom-jot; and drinking but never to excess because he has a high tolerance for alcohol.

Dislikes: Kzinti, natural enemies though they are obviously similar related species, Losing; fighting or gambling; He has never lost in personal combat yet, but in gambling he is not so lucky. While he doesn’t cheat he has been known to severely injure those that he catches cheating him, hence the fighting.


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