Lieutenant Cathica Mas'Riat |
Glory of Gallifrey |
Current Assignment:
Chief Flight Control Officer ,
USS Charon |
Bajoran |
Male |
Date of Birth:
0000-00-00 |
Eye Color:
Black |
Hair Color:
Reddish-brown |
Physical Description:
Hair worn long (middle of the back), dark gold streaks.
Wears traditional Bajoran earring. |
Family and Background:
Cathica Mas'Riat, the daughter of human father and Bajoran mother, lost her parents in the final days of the resistance. She spent several years with Davorius Tek, a man who claimed to have worked with Cathica's father. As Cathica grew from grieving child to rebellious teen, she was "entrusted" with a secret: her father had been an agent of Section 31 and he died before gathering the final item needed to stop the The Dominion. He sent her into the wormhole, however it was a ruse to get rid of her so he could search the house for documents Cathica's father would have taken to Commander Sisko on DS9.
Once on the other side of the wormhole, Cathica was placed in a detention facility where she remained for several years before escaping with another pisoner. However, the ship took heavy fire and was nearly torn apart returning to Bajor. Cathica killed Tek and fled to D9 where she pleaded asylum and pledged her life to destroying the Dominion.
Without telling Mas'Riat the nature of the mission, Sisko convinced her to join the crew of the Charon, offering her the position of lieutenant as incentive.
Due to her mixed parentage, the facial ridges along the nose are less pronounced, as well as the shape of the nose, which appears more human than the typical slightly bulbous Bajoran nose. At 5'7, she is taller than average, another trait inherited from her human genetics, though underweight as a result of her years of malnourishment and abuse in the Dominion detention facility. Several scars are visible on both arms, forming a crisscross pattern from wrist to upper arm. a similar scar is visible on her left eye in the shape of an x.
Service Record:
Medical History:
Commendations and Reprimands:
Special Skills or Ratings:
Personal Bio: