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Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
I Was moving and i found a very old book of poetry that i wrote.... I'm board so i am gonna post them i guess... for something to
I guess i should explain my inspiration to fully understand the poems... When these where written i had a crush on my best friend... He was gay... Online his Screen name was Silver That should help understand these...
enjoy !
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:43:12.
Edited on 2008-07-15 at 06:55:04 by Fallen Mistress
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~ Despised lover ~
I loved you with all of my being,
but I despise you..
I gave you my heart but you didn’t care
you felt nothing for me..
You said you did,
but you deceived me.
I see that now.
Now I hate you with
all that I am...
You called me your protector
the one you loved..
But you lied...
I see that in your eyes..
The same eyes that deceived me
have turned on you..
They now show the truth
I despise you..
I wish you would fade away..
Take your gently words..
And memories with you
you don’t care, don’t say different..
I am done with you..
And all the hell you put me threw..
So I say goodbye..
Goodbye... my former love..
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:44:00.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~~ (untitled 2) ~~
You haunt my dreams,
you tear apart my reality,
and try and replace it with
You try to change me,
I am not good enough for you,
Well screw you...
You invade my life, placing
Everything I love with a fleeting
I wish you would crawl back into
the hell from which you
You came to ruin my life..
You seceded, you bi*ch
now just leave..
You know nothing of my problems
and yet you created them ..
So return to the darkness
and leave me alone
I scream at you to leave, but you
don’t listen...
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:45:22.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~*~Hidden Tears~*~
** Hidden Tears fall for a love not forgotten,
They fall for the on I yearn to love, but can’t.
Hidden from him but not unknown..
For he is my one true love..
I hide my tears from him, but he knows there their,
For he reads the signs.. He says nothing,
As if it pains him to speak of my love..............
Hidden Tears form the world................
Hidden Tears form me..........................
Together you think it would make up for his lack of love for me,
Or at least the love he doesn’t speak of....
But some how I still feel empty and alone
And not even all the tears I have cried
Can fill the great void in me....
Hidden Tears still fall for a love never forgotten...
For the one I do love, but shouldn’t
They still fall hidden, but not unknown....
To any...
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:46:22.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
x.x~*~ Delusions 0f Silver ~*~x.x
*** Silver is a man... a wonderful man...
The man I love...
I see him in the night.. In my dreams of him..
I see him in my heart....
Every where I turn memories pain me.. For
silver doesn’t love me the same way...
But I try to move on.. But my tears hold me fast
to his memory
When I cry, I cry for him... For that is what I do
when he is near..
But my tears stay hidden from him.. When he is around..
I quickly wipe them away and try to do the
same with his memory....
But no matter how I try
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:47:28.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~^*^~ Silver Angel Tears~^*^~
** Silver Tears fall from heaven..
For their angel cries... The tears are as
pure as the angels soul...
She looks down on the on she loves...
Long has she not thought of him..
But now he is all she sees...she holds
him in her heart as tears run down
her cheeks
She thinks of her love for him. As
she tries to control her tears of silver...
Her love is as deep as the deep blue oceans
in her eyes, and as pure as her intentions
Silver tears still fall from the angels
face but now there understood...
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:48:24.
Edited on 2008-07-15 at 06:49:33 by Fallen Mistress
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~*!*~Silver Night Angel~*!*~
She walks by night.. Her silver hair shimmers
Brightly, in the light of the moons....
She travels to an unknown place.. Where
Deer and other animals play..
Waterfalls and lakes are plentiful here...
She gracefully walks around them.. And...
Watches deer play in the plains beyond...
Dew clings to her hair as
she walks by the falls....
A single ‘silver’ tear runs down her cheek...
As she thinks of a long misplaced...
But not forgotten love...
Some people call her silver beauty
for her soul is as silver as her
hair and as clear as her love
for one man...’Silver’
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:50:14.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
@~>~ * Silver Rose *~<~@
** A single silver rose stood alone in
the dark gloomy forest.. Long forgotten was the rose...
Until an angel happened to come upon it..
Next to the rose was half a steam of another..
The other half was in the angels hair.. It was given to her
by her long forgotten love..
As she neared the second rose memories came
flooding her mind with happiness and pleasant
She took the rose form her hair and laid it next to the
Upon doing this the forest turned.. It no longer lurked
of evil....... but of joy
In the place of the silver rose stood a
man... The man she once loved..
And still did....
^^>~~And roses fell from the heavens..~~<^^
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:51:17.
Edited on 2008-07-15 at 06:52:25 by Fallen Mistress
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
~~@~~** Untitled **~~@~~
** You look at her only to see
Her imperfections.... You don’t
take the time to notice her..or to even care...
She loves you..
But you don’t know
She hides in the shadows...only
to get glimpses of you.. She goes
out of her way to say hi..
Only for you not to respond.....
She tries so hard to get you to understand..
But you refuse to notice
her presence...................
She weeps in the night as thoughts
and pictures of you fill her mind as
well as her broken spirit..
You fill the depths of
her heart with a pain so great... she
feels she will perish without your
But she lived... so far... and
just might continue on doing so.........
~~~ ** ~~~
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:52:53.
Fallen Mistress Regular Visitor Karma: 5/1 66 Posts
A change in poems
Ruby Red)
glimmering like golden liquid , stained red.
Drained into a crystal glass
my soul has been stolen
by people that swore they cared, but like always
lied. a glass
my lifes blood... left to be drank
by the vampires that stole my soul
and my desire to live...
I drained it myself with nothing more than my will
to die and a single razor blade.
As my very last will, For those who will
drink my blood
i hope........
it burns you........
from the inside
Posted on 2008-07-15 at 06:56:03.