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Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

.Hack//LIFE Characters

This thread will have character information (or at least that which you'd be able to see on the 'status' page of the game's menu)

Note: Stats of NPC's you have the member addresses for will also appear here


Delta Server
Root Town: Eternal City Mac Anu
Area Levels: 1-30

Theta Server
Root Town: Celestial City Dol Dona
Area Levels: 31-60

Lambda Server
Root Town: Newland City Dun Loireag
Area Levels: 61-90

Sigma Server
Root Town: Dual City Breg Epona
Area Levels: 91-120

Omega Server
Root Town: Raised City Fort Ouph
Area Levels: 121-150

Phi Server
Root Town: Archival City Carmina Gadelica
Area Levels: N/A

Xi Server
Root Town: Reborn City Lia Fail
Area Levels: 1-150 (varies substantially, and the level of the area being warped to is never shown)

Psi Server
Root Town: Warring City Lumina Cloth
Area Levels: N/A

Posted on 2008-07-16 at 00:47:50.
Edited on 2008-07-16 at 01:57:56 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

Kimono Hasakura

Class: Adept Rogue
Level: 6
Scythe: Level 1 (the weapon exp bar is just barely started)

HP: 350
SP: 86

PATK: 48
PDEF: 43
MATK: 41
MDEF: 41
Light: 4
Dark: 5
Air: 4
Earth: 4
Fire: 4
Water: 4

Weapon (Scythe): Vengeful Night (5* weapon, +2 PATK, +1 Dark, Hold and Release)
Armour: Rough Armour (+2 PDEF, 1 slot)
Accessory: none

EXP: 970/1000

Health Drink 16
Sprite Drop 10

Money: 11940gp
Chim: 0

Posted on 2008-07-16 at 00:53:26.
Edited on 2008-08-14 at 03:35:20 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

Telvia A'Nora

Class: Twin Blade
Level: 1
Dual Swords: Level 1 (the weapon exp bar is empty)

HP: 222
SP: 24

PATK: 25
PDEF: 29
MATK: 13
MDEF: 29
Light: 1
Dark: 2
Air: 1
Earth: 1
Fire: 1
Water: 1

Weapon: Dancing Stars (5* weapon, +2 PATK, +1 Light, rapid attacks (spin))
Armour: Loose Sash (+1 PDEF, +1 MDEF, 1 slot)
Accessory: none

EXP: 0/1000

Health Drink 15
Sprite Drop 10

Money: 0gp
Chim: 0

Posted on 2008-07-16 at 00:57:23.
Edited on 2008-07-21 at 00:37:02 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts


Class: Harvest Cleric
Level: 10
Staff: Level 3 (the weapon exp meter is at about 1/3)

HP: 330
SP: 110

PATK: 36
PDEF: 51
MATK: 66
MDEF: 56
Light: 8
Dark: 4
Air: 6
Earth: 7
Fire: 6
Water: 7

Weapon (Staff): Sleep Xialin (+1 MATK, +1 PATK, +1 Element, Chance of Inflicting Sleep)
Armour: Demon Gear (+1 PDEF, +1 MDEF, +10% SP)
Accessory: Medic Necklace (reduces recovery skill sp cost, increases other skill sp cost)

EXP: 250/1000

Health Drink 24
Sprite Drop 20

Money: 12878gp
Chim: 39

Posted on 2008-07-16 at 02:16:42.
Edited on 2008-08-14 at 03:31:32 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts

Twin Lightning

Class: Adept Rogue
Level: 31
Dual Sword: Level 9 (exp bar is about 1/3)
Blade: Level 7 (exp bar is about 3/4)

HP: 975
SP: 236

(twin blade)
PATK: 129
PDEF: 125
MATK: 118
MDEF: 124
Light: 17
Dark: 12
Air: 27
Earth: 6
Fire: 12
Water: 11

(blade brandier)
PATK: 124
PDEF: 125
MATK: 118
MDEF: 124
Light: 14
Dark: 12
Air: 30
Earth: 5
Fire: 12
Water: 12

Weapon (Dual Sword): Lit Piney (+11 PATK, +3 Light, +1 Earth, -1 Water, Hold and Release, Light Attack)
Weapon (Blade): Wind Thread (+6 PATK, +3 Air, Hold and Release)
Armour: Absorb Vest (+7 PDEF, +6 MDEF, Phys damage -10%)
Accessory: Brave Wind Bell (+15 Ait, -7 Earth, Arts Knowledge)

EXP: 310/1000

((Note: I know the statistics, particularly the PATK and so forth, will seem quite different than from the game, and they are, but that's because my system is slightly different than the game))

Healing Serum 50
Healing Rain 10
Sprite Drop 50
Sprite Rain 10
Return Feather 50
Smoke Screen 50
Fairy's Orb 50
Own King

Money: 64968gp
Chim: 90

Posted on 2008-07-16 at 05:08:12.
Edited on 2008-08-14 at 03:31:57 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts


Class: Edge Punisher
Level: 5
Broadsword: Level 1 (the weapon exp bar is just begun)

HP: 550
SP: 55

PATK: 50
PDEF: 44
MATK: 17
MDEF: 37
Light: 1
Dark: 1
Air: 1
Earth: 1
Fire: 1
Water: 1

Weapon: Horizon's Edge (5* weapon, +3 PATK, Hold and Release)
Armour: Rough Armour (+2 PDEF, 1 slot)
Accessory: none

EXP: 920/1000

Health Drink 15
Sprite Drop 10

Money: 9840gp
Chim: 0

Posted on 2008-07-21 at 00:29:01.
Edited on 2008-08-14 at 03:27:42 by Reralae

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 142/12
2506 Posts


Class: Twin Blade
Level: 4
Dual Swords: Level 1 (the weapon exp bar is about halfway)

HP: 288
SP: 36

PATK: 35
PDEF: 40
MATK: 24
MDEF: 40
Light: 1
Dark: 3
Air: 2
Earth: 3
Fire: 2
Water: 3

Weapon: Twin Roses (5* weapon, +1 PATK, Rapid Attacks, chance of inflicting charm ailment)
Armour: Dream Sash (+1 PDEF, +1 MDEF, chance of inflicting sleep ailment)
Accessory: Brave Necklace (+1 Ground, +1 Water, Arts Knowledge)

EXP: 10/1000

Health Drink 50
Healing Serum 50
Healing Rain 10
Sprite Drop 50
Sprite Rain 10
Return Feather 50
Smoke Screen 50
Fairy's Orb 50

Money: 139710gp
Chim: 99

Posted on 2008-08-01 at 03:30:36.
Edited on 2008-08-14 at 03:34:39 by Reralae

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