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What is your real-life World of Warcraft Race and Class?

Human Priest


Humans tend to be the ones in the middle. Not as sexy as the Night Elves; not as stumpy as the dwarves or gnomes. As a human, you pretty much go with the flow of things.

As a priest, you are mostly concerned with others. You like to be sure that everyone is safe and healthy - because, if they die, you might get booted.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2008-10-01 at 02:07:58.

Eol Fefalas
Lord of the Possums
RDI Staff
Karma: 475/29
8865 Posts

Hmmm... uh... okay... I guess

Night Elf Druid


Night Elves are the sexiest of the bunch. They're the hot flower children of Warcraft: at one with nature, and dancing all the while.

As a druid, you tend to be relaxed and accepting - though if there is something you don't want to do, then you won't do it - simple as that. You're an easygoing and versatile person.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2008-10-01 at 02:17:34.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

The Insult!

I am not going to dignify my 'result' with the link!
I am not a Gnommish Warlock, the only single thing that alluded to that was the fact that I might set people on fire in a fight. I took the forest walk, not the gadgets, I am taller than average, I am a caring person. Usually- but that's beside the point.

Ah, well Gnommish Warlock XD
-Fake your own death just to freak people out by rising from your casket- Hiliarious

Posted on 2008-10-01 at 03:10:18.

Utan the Orange
Karma: 23/18
458 Posts

Well, now, THAT was a waste of time ...

Now I know why I didn't stay with WoW games. This little quiz is a typical example of the sheer chaotic randomness of non-sensical fact association ...
Human Warlock


Humans tend to be the ones in the middle. Not as sexy as the Night Elves; not as stumpy as the dwarves or gnomes. As a human, you pretty much go with the flow of things.

You're a creepy, creepy warlock. You delight in the darker things in life - such as setting people on fire, and delight in the macabre. You'd probably fake your own death just to freak people out by getting up from the casket at your funeral.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2008-10-03 at 17:54:56.
Edited on 2008-10-03 at 18:10:45 by Utan the Orange

RDI Staff
Karma: 186/13
3273 Posts

Likely to stab you in the back while your oohing over my cuteness

Alright I'll take it.

Gnome Rogue

Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.

As a rogue, you're always looking out for number one. You aren't afraid to do whatever it takes to win - and if things take a turn for the worse, you can always vanish into the night... Just don't run out of flash powder.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2008-10-05 at 02:39:07.

Ody Fan
Karma: 54/39
1117 Posts


Gnome Warlock


Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.

You're a creepy, creepy warlock. You delight in the darker things in life - such as setting people on fire, and delight in the macabre. You'd probably fake your own death just to freak people out by getting up from the casket at your funeral.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2009-01-05 at 03:54:32.

The Tired
RDI Staff
Karma: 291/33
6348 Posts

Is anyone surprised?

div id="resdiv">
Dwarf Warrior


Although they aren't the best-looking of the alliance races, dwarves are the most hardy and stout. A reliable dwarf is a good friend to have.

As a warrior, you like to take charge of things. You feel that you're an important part of what's happening - and if things turn sour, you like to have a very large weapon on hand that you can use to negotiate.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at

Posted on 2009-01-05 at 21:52:23.

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