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PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Lost Souls: Eternal Sorrow
The small town of Kahr sat nearly desserted. A musty breeze blew through the broken houses, telling of the latest deaths and tradgedies. People cross the crumbling streets, their faces hollow and depressed. Children cling to the rough fabric of their parents clothing, whimpering as they spot the victims of the night. One stirs slightly. She is beautiful, but changed. Her ebony hair falls in dirty ringlets and her eyes snap open. Many jump back at the crimson color of her irises, announcing her entrance to the other realm. Soon her kind will come to take her, since she appears to be a survivor. The woman sits up, letting her hair fall aroud her face. She looks up to the sky, asking why she has been doomed.
The manors atop the hills stir. Many of their inhabitants are looking for their newest member. One curses. Their leader has been careless, leaving a mear child to join them. He rushes through the empty halls and opens her room. His leader sits upon her bed. Caramel hair in an uneven pattern frames her inhumanly pale face, revealing her own red eyes. Unlike the new woman, hers have dimmed to an odd ruby. He bows and tells her of their newest vampire fledgling. The leader smiles, revealing needle sharp fangs and orders the girl to be brought to her. Tonight, they shall be teaching her to hunt.
The girl stumbles through town, asking for someone to help her. People she once knew directly avoid her and she trips, falling into a dim alley. Someone offers a hand and she takes it, glad to have someone alike. The man smiles and grips her upper arm. She screams and runs, barely escaping. She heads straight for Shire Inn, looking for help.
Posted on 2008-10-17 at 23:56:36.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Shire Inn
Carmen stumbled into the place she had called home since she had come to Kahr. Her first night, Carmen had wondered into here. After her family throwing ehr out she had come to Kahr. The inn keeper's son, Tavin, had immediatley given her work and a room. Not a week after that, Carmen had been attacked. She shivered, remembering the previous night.
"Would you mind helping me?" A youg woman had asked and Cramen, being a polite person, had accepted. She had carried the woman's travelling supplies when she had pushed Cramen into an alley. While falling, she had hit her head and fainted. When Carmen ahd awoken, there was sharp pain in her neck and people screaming. Then that man ahd grabbed her. Carmen had run for the place she called home. But even here, people shuned her. Tavin was travelling with his mother to the market and his father was behind the counter. Carmen walked up. "Holy s***!" He yelled and jumped back. "Get out of here, demon!" He said. She pushed his hands aside. "It's me Eleazor. It's Carmen." She replied calmly. "Child... you are one of them." He said, stepping back. Carmen already knew. She had seen herself. "I need help Eleazor. It's join my creator or kill her. Please!" She begged.
Posted on 2008-10-18 at 00:11:40.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
Dancing in the Air, Unbeknownst to those Below
Far above the town, light footsteps twirl through the air. Why she had come here, she didn't know, but the wind directed her here, and that's all that matters. Ah, well, since she is here, she might as well look around.
Descending to just below the roof-line of the town, the invisible girl flies, searching for a market. She didn't expect to find anything of particular interest in such a small town, but the market also tends to be a source of interesting information and rumours...
Her ears twitch as a desperate voice trails faintly in the air. 'I need help Eleazor. It's join my creator or kill her. Please!' What is this? The girl quickly changes course, flying over a couple of houses to find the source.
She settles on a perch at the edge of a rooftop overlooking a street. There, below her, seems to be a person that others are careful to avoid directly, going around her and giving her a wide berth. The person she is beseeching also seems to hold a great deal of shock and fear. From this angle, the girl on the street is facing away from the sylph. That would not do. Quickly, she leaps into the air, and gently lands on the building opposite with a burst from her dragonfly wings. Once there, she perches, and examines the front of the girl below.
She has red eyes. So that's what it is. She is a vampire, but from the sounds of it, truly did not appreciate the change. Well, that is an understatement; the change had left her with something she had never wanted. Sen closes her eyes sadly. Despite her many years spent travelling, she had never come across any spell or remedy that could reverse the change caused by a vampire's bite. The girl would have to learn to adapt to it, and, perhaps, Sen would try to help her adapt. If Sen had learnt one thing about the worlds she had visited, it was that if she was allowed to interfere, the world would give her the opportunity to. So Sen simply waits, observing the situation unfold below.
Posted on 2008-10-19 at 19:01:59.
Edited on 2008-10-19 at 19:03:13 by Reralae
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Eleazor handed her a small book. "Give yourself time kiddo. After all, if you follow the way the others did, you want be hungry until tommorow." He said. Carmen took the book and sat down away from everyone, in a corner. "The Perils of Vampirism." She read from the cover and opened it.
Carmen sat the book down after a few minutes. The words were cluttered and the facts hard to comprehend. She rubbed her temples. Suddenly, the inn's door flew open. The man who had grabbed her on the street earlier stepped inside, followed by two others. One was a young girl, her age, dressed like a gypsy. The breeze from the doorway tossled her hair, an old silver. Her eyes slanted, suggesting elfblood, and Carmen shivered. The other was also her age, a boy with chestnut hair. Both had the same off key red eyes as their leader. Carmen was able to look at him. If she had not been so terrified, he would have looked handsome. He had the same hair as the boy but was much more muscular. His eyes turned to her.
"Newborn. Follow us. Defy me, and I shall help you make a journey to hell." He hissed. Carmen jumped backwards and slammed into the wall. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" She yelled as they made advances towards her. None in the inn rose, except to flee.
Posted on 2008-10-19 at 22:23:29.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
Sen quietly followed as best she could, taking care to be above head-height for everyone within the inn. She looks a bit disdainfully at the man's attempt to help the girl. Well, some help is better than nothing, but books do not always lead to understanding. Sometimes they confuse, bewilder, and cause more harm than good. Sen quietly hovers above the girl, trying to consider how to help.
As the inn doors open, Sen can easily guess the intruder's intent. This is not good. No room to manoeuvre, nowhere for the girl to run... There is only one chance.
As the girl screams for help, Sen leans forward, invisible, and whispers into her ear urgently, "Please, calm down. There's no time to explain. Hold out your hand, palm towards them, and try to look as though you are concentrating. Close your eyes, just concentrate on the air in front of your palm."
Sen reaches forward with her own hand, palm just above the space in front of the girl's own. Lalou es kinar'd folin na. Sen whispers, feeling the air flow with her voice, or, more specifically, the charges within the air. With her other hand, she quickly reaches into the pouch at her belt, and pulls out a topaz stone, with the design of the cut gem responding to her touch and calling for electricity, amplifying the spell as it gathers charge. A sphere of crackling electricity gathers at Sen's palm, yet looking for all the world like it's formed in front of the girl's palm. As the gemstone disintegrates, the orb flashes brightly, before sending three immense arcs of electricity into each of the three vampires, blasting them back and hopefully out of the inn.
The drain of the spell immediately washes over Sen, and a feeling of fatigue makes itself known, but Sen brushes it aside. The danger is not over, and there is one more spell to cast.
"Calm down." Sen repeats softly, kindly, to the girl, just in case the spell startled her, "Now hold your palm so it is facing up."
Sen quickly pulls out a stone of intricately cut amber, and gently places it in the girl's hand. "Concentrate on the feeling of the stone. Do you feel how smooth it is? Concentrate on that feeling."
Yeskin voll shirka nin youlse Sen intones gently, holding her hands below the girl's to catch the amber as it falls.
To everyone else, the girl vanishes, but Sen knows where she's gone. Amber preserves things well, and now the girl is far safer than probably ever before, held in stasis within the stone. Now to get out of here. Sen thinks to herself, holding the stone gently as she flies out the blasted open doorway and into the sky. She quickly sets the weariness aside as best she can, and flies away from the town, stopping in a light forested grove just beyond its outskirts. Here she lands, a bit harder than she normally would, and making sure that she's as concealed as possible, sets the amber down, and releases the spell, with the girl appearing now, standing at the same spot as the amber.
"I got us out of the town," Sen murmurs, fatigue sounding in her voice, "But I'm afraid it might not be any easier now."
((If I went too far ahead, and something else happens first, please just PM me and I'll edit and cut out the things after the point when something happens))
Posted on 2008-10-20 at 22:27:20.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Carmen laid there for a second, her body stunned. Her brain was working overtime. She laid back her head and squeaked slightly. The she passed out.
Posted on 2008-10-23 at 00:12:01.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
Oh dear...
I overdid it, but then again, the girl has a lot to comprehend, enough to overwhelm one's mind. Sen thinks softly. She carefully moves the girl's body so that it is in a comfortable position, yet also shaded by trees and foliage; if vampires were similar in this realm to the other world's she's been to, Sen knows that sunlight isn't the healthiest thing for one.
I imagine we'll have to keep moving, so we'd better be ready to go if needed. Sen bites her lip, Although I know a bit about vampires, I don't know the more practical information. Do they have to 'feed' on mortals? Hopefully not, but if that's the case, that'll be a bit of a problem. Well, I might as well gather some berries anyway.
Sen rummages around the grove, seeing if she can find any berries. However, nothing meets her well-trained eye, even as she looks through all the bushes nearby. Just then, a little pink petal flutters by. Looking up, Sen spots a young cherry tree, just coming to bear fruit. Smiling, Sen flies and gathers a handful of the unripe fruits, from different parts of the tree so it wouldn't be noticeable that she had taken some. Placing them in her belt pouch, Sen returns to the girl's still form.
Good thing I don't need to sleep; I can keep watch over you that way. Sen thinks, before flying just above the treetops, still invisible, and setting her eyes to scan the surroundings.
Posted on 2008-10-23 at 17:22:39.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Carmen blinked when she woke up. She first saw the sunlight. Without thinking, she stuck a hand into it. An ucomfortable tingling followed. She drew it back to the shadow and sat up. A small rabbit bounced nearby. Without thinking, she lunged.
Cramen broke the creature's neck and drew blood. It was a mingle of sweet and moldy. But she liked it. Carmen wiped her mouth and set the body down. It's head was at an odd angle and no blood wept from it wounds. She realized what had happened and ggasped.
Posted on 2008-10-23 at 21:31:42.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
"So, I was right." Sen murmurs softly as she descends, still invisible.
She looks at the bunny lying dead upon the ground, and nods, "It looks like it is blood that you have to have in order to attain nourishment. Don't worry about what you've done; it wasn't your choice, and you still want to survive." Sen says gently, comfortingly.
"I'm sure you have many questions." Sen continues, "Ask, and if I can, I will answer."
Posted on 2008-10-23 at 21:56:31.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
"I need allies." Carmen stated. It surprised Sen. Carme knew it would. She had never been like other people her age. Carmen rose, sadness etched into her face.
"We need others. Who will help. I must kill my creator." Carmen said.
Posted on 2008-10-24 at 01:10:53.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
Difficult... very difficult...
Sen shakes her head. The girl seemed rash, but whether that was her way of dealing with her situation, or if that was just how she was, it is not the best view to hold. In understanding, there is little action taken, true, however action without understanding could cause more harm than good.
"What must be done, and what can be done, are two very different things. I am but one, and you are but one, and your foe has many." Sen murmurs softly, "Most of the normal humans will not help. You've already experienced this truth. They believe that interference will only lead to further their losses, and so choose ignorance, what they think is a safer path."
"The humans that will help you, are ones that will have been hurt themselves, but they will not be easy to approach. Vengeance is one thing that unites people, but it is dangerous to use as the only connection. Those who have been hurt by them, who see you as one of them, will strike you as well as your foe." Sen elaborates.
"You are young," Sen murmurs, "Even if you would have it otherwise, and your connections to the world will be few right now. What connection was strongest before, that you have? The strongest connections will remain, even after one changes, and so from them you may find allies."
"I, myself, am a wanderer; there are few people that know I exist, and fewer that I keep in touch with." Sen says quietly, her voice merely a whisper, "You are the only person I have touched in this world. What I am saying is, although I will help you, I myself do not have anyone to call for aid here."
Sen falls silent. She considers talking about how rash the girl seems, but if it is part of her personality, then no amount of talking on Sen's part would aid in learning; with the personality, one develops as one grows, through experience. You cannot tell the seed to grow into a tree, it just will, given enough time.
Posted on 2008-10-24 at 01:38:32.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Carmen blinked. This was true. She thought back and shook her head.
"I have always been a loner. My family was closest and they are dead." She said. Carmen glanced around her.
"I am one. That's true. And I have no one."
Posted on 2008-10-24 at 01:45:07.
Reralae Dreamer of Bladesong Karma: 144/12 2532 Posts
Even alone, there is strength
Sen smiles, "Well, I am here, although you can't see me."
"We're alone, so I might as well show you what I am." Sen muses.
Sen lets herself relax slightly, and her form appears, hovering in the air. Physically, she looks no taller than a human child, but her proportions are more for that of an adult. She wears a violet silken dress with an open back for an easily apparent reason. Upon her back is a set of iridescent coloured dragonfly wings. She has silver hair, and also wears a few pieces of jewellery, namely two rings, and a necklace, all exquisite pieces of art with clearly coloured and well cut, pretty gemstones. Upon her hip is a simple pouch, carried by a belt. Her violet eyes look upon the girl with a wisdom that seems beyond her apparent age.
"My name is Sen, and as you can see, I am not human, and not quite mortal either. I'm a spirit of the air, or a sylph if you prefer." Sen says, giving a slight curtsy in introduction.
Sen's eyes grow distant, "Even if alone, we all have our own strengths. I do not know much about the children of the night, but I do know that although it certainly isn't a change one would want, there will be some advantages to it."
A slight smile forms on Sen's lips. One could almost go so far as to call it 'fate's compensation' for what it has done.
Posted on 2008-10-24 at 02:02:43.
PrincessAli Ody Fan Karma: 54/39 1117 Posts
Is this real?
Carmen blinked. As a young girl, she had always dreamed of meeting a sylph. It was too bad the conditions were her immortality.
Posted on 2008-10-24 at 02:07:06.
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