Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
More Trek, anyone?
Hello out there!
I want to gauge reaction for another free-form Star Trek game.
Having spoken to Eol, I have been given the go-ahead to put a little something together.
Now I haven't written any plotline yet, but I have some ideas. I DO know that I want to keep my first effort small, maybe 5-6 people, and it will probably be a fairly short adventure, so it wouldn't require a heavy commitment; kind of the equivalent of a couple of episodes, or maybe one movie-hehe.
If there's interest in doing this, I'm open to input as to era, locales, etc. - as I said, I want to gauge reaction and see if anyone's interested before I put finger to keyboard.
So, if you want boldly go, just get back to me here on the thread. I'll keep this open for about 2 weeks, and if there's enough response in that time frame we'll get the ball rolling on writing and such.
Posted on 2008-10-29 at 23:41:53.
Duncan74 Dunkelzahn Karma: 61/1 931 Posts
And again...
I'm trying one more time here.
I'm looking to start another free-form Trek game, possibly a "spinoff" of Operation: Persephone.
I plan to start with a relatively short one, but I assure you I will make it fun and action-packed.
So, if you want to get your Trek on, leave a reply and we'll see what we'll see.
Posted on 2008-11-18 at 22:31:23.