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Ody Fan
Karma: 54/39
1117 Posts

A Poem Made Just for the Inn

The jesters juggle colorful balls
And duchesses dance around
The warriors yell their stories
And mages make no sound
As night slowly falls
The castle draws silent
For night creatures run
Brooding and defiant

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 01:36:50.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

The more the merrier- or sommat like that

Hmmm... why let Reralae have all the fun with poetry?

O my Muse, what form would you now take?
So shy and outgoing, blatant and subtle,
My thoughts quicken and stir in thy wake,
Where without you they would but muddle.
O my Muse, with what visage do you I grace?
Eager with all reservation, bawdy, serene,
I am but thy instrument, your hand, my mace,
Cautious, careless, and more have you been.
O my magnificient Muse, mercurial thy state;
Wander as you will, but forget not home,
And tales of your travels to me you relate,
For thy heart knows mine like open tome.
O my Muse, multi-faceted is thy countenance,
So my Muse, with which do you next advance?

Goodness, spur of the moment poetry, and it flowed so quickly right up until the line with 'mace'. Funny, I asked my brother what rhymed with 'grace' and we both had the same first instinct. I decided it was too funny not to actually use. Though after that point, I fell into distraction by various sources.

To usurp this thread from its creator, I invite anyone else who has ever felt the urge to throw down some random poetry here. After all, not all of us are prolific poets enough to justify a thread of our own like Reralae

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 07:18:22.
Edited on 2008-11-09 at 19:54:43 by Sibelius Eos Owm

Ody Fan
Karma: 54/39
1117 Posts

You saying I'm bad?


This is a o work poem: I didn't try. I love the Inn but am working on my entries for a school. I have been published for poetry, so you could call me professional.

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 07:52:26.

Dreamer of Bladesong
Karma: 144/12
2533 Posts

Now now...

Sib-kun never said that; you're assuming a bit much, Emybear-san...

I know he didn't mean anything like that, so please don't take it that way. He is a nice person after all ^_^

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 08:21:17.

Sibelius Eos Owm
A Midsummer Knight
Karma: 59/5
1376 Posts

Oh deary me~

I never meant any offense, emybear, I enjoyed the subtle wit of your poem. It's half of the reason for which I decided to roll off my own poem. (The other half of the reason was to prove that Reralae isn't the only one between the two of us who can compose).

My verse style is even rather unoriginal- I used directly the format of Shakesperean Sonnets, A B A B C D C D E F E F G G (when it comes to rhymes) In my English 240 class (for some reason 1st year U of C courses are 200-level) we were looking at Sonnets recently, which got me thinking about what would happen if I did something myself. The answer is above. I suppose I was a tad premature in inviting everybody, but the whimsical nature of the idea was just too good.

P.S. Yay, I'm a nice guy ^-^

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 19:53:35.
Edited on 2008-11-09 at 20:10:56 by Sibelius Eos Owm

Ody Fan
Karma: 54/39
1117 Posts


Didn't mean to come across so strong. I liked your poem too!

Posted on 2008-11-09 at 20:16:43.

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